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  • #68385

    Gene… Years ago when the 3 suits in my office told me I could only sell Borian and noone else, I just laughed. Their famous quote.. “If you don’t sell Borian, you will never make it”. 


    Kelsey..I thought was just me..the attitude of these guys is just crazy..the funny thing is they think the name Corian is making them money cause of their product…its just the last remaining specifiers that still think thats borian is the material..and then the residential sales come from the box store credit cards..I just cant imagine someone looking at a sheet of borian on a pallet and going…WOW isnt that beautiful and different…that doesnt look like 1/2 thick laminate at all…and at least Lamo=inate is more scracth resistant

    But all the other SS brands…just wish they would somehow advertise in home grocery store magazines with pictures of what WE do with the product..what borian does with their product and make their money on the end result is what looks like a sheet of hard drywall on a pallet…thats their product

    the pictures you see in magazines what we do with the product…people dont call to buy sheets to often…they want countertops…thats why it cracks me up how the respect for fabricators is small from them…oh if you sell 500 sheets a year…i get that you think they are nice cause of that box of candy they sentcha..

    oh..they are gone from my brain and typing forever…I already wasted to much time letting them rent space in my head…just please if anyone lets me know when thier funeral service is..please send me and invite…I just wanna make sure i could celebrate..

    Tom M

    My Lvingstone rep is a good guy. He knows the industry inside and out. He also knows the istory of the biz and has been around since the beginning.

    I really need to look at this closer.

    Thanks for the push.


    Tom, who is your rep? Eddie?

    Tom M

    Ronnie Wynde. He’s been involved in the surfacing industry for at least as long as I have.

    Lenny E


    Geez, another guy like you and me…old as freaking Methuselah! But unlike Methsuselah we have Viagra!


    Obamanomics means I have to work forever! Viagra means…..Im  a working stiff!


    Posted By Lenny E on 06 Jul 2011 11:27 AM

    Geez, another guy like you and me…old as freaking Methuselah! But unlike Methsuselah we have Viagra!


    Obamanomics means I have to work forever! Viagra means…..Im  a working stiff!

    I hear they are giving all the old men in nursing homes Viagra … keeps them from rolling out of bed….


    Posted By Tom M on 06 Jul 2011 09:59 AM
    Ronnie Wynde. He’s been involved in the surfacing industry for at least as long as I have.

    Tom, you jumping on the Allen & Roth bandwagon, or has your rep invited you to that party?

    Tom M

    I think so, but I’m still a bit ignorant on all this. I have never bought a sheet up till (maybe soon).
    No! Wait! It’s some outfit called US Warehouse.

    I’m helping my father build an outbuilding (we calls it a shed round these parts). I haven’t had to work scaffolding for about eight years. My body reminds me of these every time I’m climbing it.

    Viagra and me these days would be the biological equivalent of “All dressed up and no place to go”. Or, you know, the opposite of “go”.

    Norm Walters

    Posted By Kelsey Crisp on 06 Jul 2011 07:57 PM

    Posted By Lenny E on 06 Jul 2011 11:27 AM

    Geez, another guy like you and me…old as freaking Methuselah! But unlike Methsuselah we have Viagra!


    Obamanomics means I have to work forever! Viagra means…..Im  a working stiff!

    I hear they are giving all the old men in nursing homes Viagra … keeps them from rolling out of bed….

    Kelsey, having a wife that works in a nursing home I can tell you most of them don’t need viagra. It does seem though that they have alot of trouble with their urine catheters though such as cleaning it or reinserting it, hell they are getting more action than I am.

    Tom M


    I just got my new LG price increase. First one was in May, now another one. True, it is not the 20 – odd percent that Corian had, but KC and the Livingstone band keep sounding better and better.

    Robert Butts

    We’re standing by….

    Robert Butts
    Steve Mehan

    I switched over to livingstone for an ongoing project of ours. The material is first rate, its flat, the color is consistant, so far no air bubble voids on the face or the back side, and it comes with and easy to remove peel sheet, its created and packed nice and it shows up for us in 2 days. The price was and important factor in the switch, it is a value that will keep us buying the product.


    I agree with all the pints that you mentioned, Steve.

    Johnny c


    Hey Tom… did we mention you get confirmations in minutes vs hours or days. I pay for my sheets when I order, and if I pick up the sheets, by the time I get back to the shop, all the paperwork, invoices ect is in my email.

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