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  • #1510

    ALPHA Tools has come out with a new DVD by Fred Hueston titled: Granite Countertop Fabrication & Installation.

    A very thorough and informative step by step process on all things stone. For those of you getting in to the fabrication and/or install of stone, would you buy this for $29.95 (cost)?

    Andy Graves

    I’ll buy one right now. I also need a few other things so I will email you a list.

    cory boots

    We would buy it.


    Dave, I would buy it

    Mark Mihalik

    How long is it? Being sponsored by Alpha, it’s probably ok and will show tips and tricks. I’ve seen some of those videos from other vendors that aren’t worth crap. A 30 minute video that will just get you in trouble. Can’t beat actual hands on training.

    Barry Madel

    No Mark, you can’t beat hands on training. Quite frankly, I scanned through it this afternoon. I did not look at the time of the DVD. However, Fred Hueston, who has posted on FabNet is a respected authority on the stone biz and Alpha is the better for having Fred do this DVD.

    Alpha states that this is a step by step DVD that guides the viewer through all phases of production including purchasing materials, fabrication techniques, installation and presentation to your client.

    Again, the $29.95 is my cost. I do not make a cent on them. In fact, it costs me shipping charges. From what I viewed today, it answers a lot of questions I see asked on FabNet.

    I’m going to e-mail Andy a deal on this that will be under Deals & Discounts where you’ll get back the $29.95 on purchases that don’t need to be Alpha.

    Just trying to help Fab brothers out.


    Hey Dave put me down for a copy as well. Give me a call if you need any info from me.

    Oh, Not to get off subject but I need a price for a Porta Cable 6″ hook & Loop Dust free discs (6 Hole pad) for the 6″ Porta cable Orbital Sanders…Need about 5 pads….since we are not special enough to be able to have festool…


    Robert, you don’t need to be “special” to buy FESTOOL. Plenty of fabricators use Porter-Cable. Probably a heck of a lot more than the other. We’ll talk.

    Paul Bingham


    I’ll buy one too.


    Jon Olson

    Whats it rated?

    Rob D.

    G FOR Granite.

    Mark Mihalik

    Dave, that sounds like a great deal. It sounds like a reputable video and your really helping people out. When I posted earlier I kept thinking of a video I saw a year ago where they were tring to teach homeowners how to make their own granite countertops. Man that was funny. I know this is different and am not tring to put it in that category. If I can find it I’ll give you a link.


    Hey Dave, how ya doing? I hafta ask..will you be a certified Granite Fabricator after watching this video? If you follow every detail and can prove it will they warranty your granite work? Do they show you only how to use alpha tools? You know It might be a good idea Dave to start a Movie nite at your shop,Play da video on a big screen and have tool packages all ready…i’ll bring the popcorn…but i won’t be going there to learn Granite stuff, i’ll just be the heckler in the crowd and stir the pot with friendly arguements. I’m also gonna sneak and stick “I love Solid Surface” bumper stickers on everyone’s vehicles who show up…LOL..then i’m gonna promote a volleyball game Solid Surfacers vs Graniteers live on pay per view …just kidding Dave, i’ll calm down

    Tom Shapiro

    Obviously the tools they use are ALPHA. Like I stated before, the DVD answers a lot of questions I’ve seen posted on FabNet. You may follow their methods or develope your own but it’s a perfect way to get the feel for starting out in the world of stone.

    Mark, yes, reputable is the key word here. Alpha teaming up with Fred Hueston is a win, win.

    Gene, I was thinking more along the line of poker night at Federal…


    The 1st order of DVD’s will be in on Monday. We’re sending a pack of microwave popcorn with each one…seriously.

    Due to the response, we have another order coming in later in the week.

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