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  • #76408

    Andy..I will inlay and pour resin over anything even one of my workers..LOL

    no yellow and no bubbles ever..if you are getting bubbles try thinning the inlay mix from karo syrup consistency to gravy..if its too thick bubbles basically get trapped…and if it cures the top drys quicker like a egg yolk and forces resin to curl up… are good people and I wish i lived closer.always remember the good times we had when i was in Mass..cruisin around listening to cd you gave me..I still have…anyway check out this video of a lionfish coming out of a countertp

    I have windows 8 and its hard to resize pics..outllook was easier

    Tom M

    I have that one bookmarked from before. Someday, when you have a window in your schedule, I will take a vacation to sunny Fla la land and be your apprentice for a week.

    If you’ll have me, big boy…

    Andy Graves

    Gene, try this link. It is the original image resizer that works with Windows 8. Just go the the file manager, see the file and right click on it. Up pops a box to resize the image to four different choices.

    It will save it in the same folder. It really is super easy.


    thanks..thats a cool dealio you just did..Im gonna play around

    this is a cool idea if ya wanna get rid of those boring colors or affordABLE COLORS for laundry rooms…i just told the lady o to the arts and crafts store and come back with ya want and ill tro it in your top…off course I shot the lock off her husbands wallet..we even put safety pins in it..but its a cool way to theme rooms…
    to my fellow fabnetters ya know when a person is trying to match tile to countertops…which is frustrating..iwe hafta find premium countertop materials to match 99 cents tile…arrrggghh just tell them to buy an extra sq foot and smash it up into an inlay..this way it matches..give the dollar if they wine about smashing up the tile…it matches the backsplash now 
    Andy Graves

    How far down did you have to route for the laundry room inlay?


    probabaly 3/8..sometimes I go right into the substrate if the objects are deeper..for the most part I barely break thru..this way the resin has something to bite on the sides of the groove..I useta do 1/8 inlays and by the time ya sand them they lift up cause nothin is locking them in

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