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  • #59937

    Posted By Kelsey Crisp on 19 May 2010 09:04 PM
    Wags, the post above yours just went into my new BB Spam Folder! It is really cool, if anyone wants a copy,  private message me and include your email address,  and I will email you a copy.

    Pretty neat idea someone had… just right click on a name and add them to the list, all their post gets screened and not viewed in the thread…..  


    I’m not sure I understand this, but if one only hears selective posts in a particular thread, wouldn’t one be likely to not be able to make sense out of the subsequent posts?

    How can you participate if you don’t hear all of the discussion?


    Norm Walters

    Joe, a legend in your own mind doesn’t make you one in mine.


    Posted By Norm Walters on 20 May 2010 05:50 AM
    Joe, a legend in your own mind doesn’t make you one in mine.

    Norm (Moderator):

    I am puzzled by your comment. Is one not allowed to respectfully disagree with Wags, Bill and Kelsey? Perhaps you think a board of “yes” men makes the board a better place?


    Norm Walters

    Actually I was thinking more like Rodney King.


    Lets never forget..THIS is the kind of men we have in the Military. Men of action, not willing to sit back and let others do the lifting.


    Another American Hero… if you never heard the story of what happened to his dog..well…..shows what this man is made of.


    One year ago today, I left on my journey to Washington, The Run for The Wall and Rolling Thunder. The southern route passed thru Phoenix on Thurs. If any of you are located near the route, please take the time to watch as they pass thru. I promise you will get more than you give. Here is a link to the two routes, central and southern.


    Here is a link to a blog by one of the riders on the southern route. He posts each evening about what happened that day..

    Lets not forget WHY they ride, and have for 22 years.



    You may have seen this before, it is the ” temp_href=”>”>virtual wall of the Vietnam Memorial. I found my brother’s name by going to “Ohio” then “Oregon, Ohio”.

    Your last link was the  best.



    Norm Walters

    I thought this was worth posting.…d-lover%2F


    After I got back from Nam my last year in the Corps was spent at Henderson Hall, Virginia. I had the honor to drive for a number of families, chaplains etc. It was always challenging to keep your composure while trying to aid the families at funerals in Arlington. Today we remember all those that have passed onto heavens shores. We thank them for their dedication and sacrifice. And Norm thank you for reminding us to thank those left behind for their sacrifice also.

    To you Norm and all other Vets may you have a peaceful Memorial Day.


    My brother Jerry’s ex-girlfriend, the one he would have probably reunited with and been my sister-in-law, found him on the virtual wall and contacted me through facebook today:

    “Jerry was one of the greatest bf’s I had – super special. We had a lot of great times – he was crazy funny, and also very sweet and kind. We went out for about a year – and ended up getting into a “fight” that we couldn’t resolve. (This was when he hit the wall with his fist – on my grandparent’s back porch – and broke his hand).

    I made lots of great friends through him, especially your grandparents. I loved going to their house. Also your cousin Judy (I was sad to see she passed away a few years ago). I saw Tom’s (brother) picture’s from his last class reunion – and he looks just the same to me (where is he living now?).

    You know, shortly before Jerry left for duty, we got together and talked. It was an emotional conversation …I’ve never forgotten talking to him about it. And it was such a shock when a friend’s mom (Gloria – I think she worked with your mom) called to tell me that Jerry had been killed. I was stunned – and walked around in a fog for weeks. I have always thought of that day when she called as my real “growing up” day — the realities of life.

    Anyway, this is a perfect day to remember him – and a perfect way by talking to you. How are you? Where do you live? what about your sister – and your brother?”

    I never knew about the wall-punching and subsequent hand breaking, but I did know my brother was deadly in love with this girl and was devastated when they broke up. It is interesting how she sees my brothers death as a “growing up” day, as did I. Memorial Day is a somber holiday, but she’s made this one the best I’ve had in ages and for that I am grateful.


    Tom M

    That’s a special story, Joe. Good bless your brother for his sacrifice. and your family theirs.

    My Dad and his brother both joined up in WWII at seventeen, both served in subs. Dad’s best friend was blown out of a landing craft at Utah Beach. Left the hospital for another ship as soon as they would let him. An uncle was in Airborne and was captured in France – spent some time as a POW. Another uncle served in Korea and, according to my mother, came back a very changed man.

    My ex-wife’s grandfather and his four brothers all served in WWII in one service or another. They all came back. My mother-in law has her Dad’s purple heart.

    None of these guys ever talked about it much, so on the rare occasions when they opened up, you can be sure we listened.

    Still, none ever, ever bragged about what they went through.

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