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  • #5564

    when ya gotta go…go in style…

    Gordon Shell

    Kinda cool my ass! Super cool! I love chiseled edges, so an 8″ chiseled edge is just sick, nice work!

    Andy Graves

    Did you do this Gene? I am amazed at how consistent it is throughout the entire surface of the edge.

    Nice work.


    why of course i did..thank you for the compliments or doubts that i could do something like this

    I rushed because it was for this scene in a movie for that rapper Gucci mane..hes an ice cream killer or something like that..James Franco, vanessa hudges, Selena Gomez are all in the movie..Springbreakers.

    the toilet seat is tiger bamboo with Diamonds and mirrors..I cant show scenes from the movie yet until it comes out…but this is a KIngpin drug dealer house and kinda goes all Scarface on my outdoor bar…

    David Gerard

    maybe a sex scene or 2 on that bar? LOL!!!! nice work brothhhaaa!

    Chris Yaughn

    very cool!!

    Tom M

    I’m so jealous I can;t stand it.

    Gene, you rock!


    That is a cool edge, Gene.  My hat is off to you!!!

    It makes sense that this is for a movie and not for real people.  Can you imagine having to clean the spilled drinks out of all those little chips when someone tips over their cocktail?
    Johnny C

    David Gerard

    Johnny, Gene would come back and re-chisel that baby, right Gene. “Re fresh or retreat!”


    well its still solid is a double winner..the dude who owns the kingpin house bought it…i told them they have to sponge clean it…you can also hose it off..I got that new waterproof weather UV stuff laquer for the tiger bamboo


    Wow, that looks awesome!
    Is it Quartzstone? I’m from the UK so the terminology is a little different.
    If it is, what chisels did you use and do you have a how-to for us mortals?

    Dave B.


    Dave its Avonite pearl poly surface..stacked to meet 8 inches which is crazy and took two sheets in edges…then ya just chisel it like your a sculptor from the 1800’s…but dont ever bang the chisel with a hammer…to get the best effect ya hafta use a wooden mallet…or we use block sanders to bang the chisels..

     also commons sense as to how hard ya hit it..
       there is a video here  we did this top for this guy from that show Shark tank on friday nights Kevin harrington…thats why I have the Jaws soundtrack in the vid…but itza funny video
    dave the video is on this link..just dont know how to show ya buddy
    Andy I fogot how to upload videos on here
    Lenny E


    Needless to say, another award winning fabrication by “the Gene”. He is no longer Gene. He  attained the coveted “The Gene” status many moons and unique fabrications ago!

    Gene If I ever remodel, I need to call you. That is AWESOME!

    You ever work down Texas way? Can we barter? How many crates of ammo and AK’s would it take to get one of those immaculate thick looking chiseled tops? With a border and my name in it that glows in the dark ( I can provide the glowy smutz), and an inlay of me holding my guns, ? 

    I am impressed. That is extremely nice work. Kudo’s!

    Thanx lenny…just send me a template..Ill hook ya up..of course you oweing me a favor when I want one will be way more worth than any money buddy…especially if we go to war…Ill have a room to stay at in your house surrounded by F-troop

    anyway..been working on my own brand called Bullet tops and been selling it to rappers and some NFL dudes..I mix up cubic zarconias & bullets 
    Lenny E

    That is just too cool! You are always threshing on the cutting edge of the wave front.

    BTW, I always have a secure., well protected bunker in Texas for you and yours!

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