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  • #2086

    Saw this over at the HGTV site.

    Why re-lam those countertops when you can granite overlay it ?

    David Gerard

    I can see that working now and then, just hope ya don’t have appliance garages or low wall outlets

    Nate Hein

    Look at it further Dave. Look at the warranty and care sections and what they push for “engineered stone.”


    Dick Brice

    Pin holes have been reported by consumers, only an eased edge is possible and a crappy one with a seam at that, costs a lot more than granite, and then let’s talk about expansion issues. Anyone remember Wilsonart SSV? If this bunch claimed it must be used on only one substrate, I would reserve judgement, but they will glue it to time, plywood, laminate, solid surface, anything. Someone try to tell me these different materials have the same expansion rates, much less the same expansion causes.

    This company is a train wreck waiting to happen. Their main marketing claim is that you save thousands in removal cost by overlaying the existing top.

    Idiots…. to borrow a Tomism.

    David Gerard

    No transferable warranty? don’t use it for house flipping I guess?


    Ya know, I just noticed that this world wide franchise opportunity is being pimped out of Miramar, Fl.

    Hmmm, Must look at some brochures I recd. at the last IWF show. Seems to be the same guy with a differant company name.

    What I could hear from the interviewer loud and clear was “for the do-it-yourself-er” then some other mung bled in.

    Al, try and watch the video they’re pushing.

    Wilson Chen

    Although I don’t see the real product of this granite cover products .

    it’s a kind of engineered surface I think .

    In fact one of my australia customers import our super-thin granite panels to do it .

    The thickness can be 1cm .

    It’s natural granite with fiber-glass mesh backed .

    It’s also suitable for shower panels or curain tiles etc.

    the size can be like slabs 1.5m*2.5m*1cm.

    Any one need any further info about this kind of products ,can pm me or write email :

    Best regards


    Norm Walters

    David, as far as flipping houses, most real estate contracts contain the clause:

    As is, no warranty.


    I don’t think the stuff is any cheaper than granite or solid surface but they sell it on not disrupting your kitchen for 5-7 days.

    As I posted at HGTV – it is the substrate that swells and fails around sink areas and dishwashers – Why the hell anybody would think you can just go over it and solve the problem is beyond me


    Kevin, I saw that at HGTV but I can’t see a homeowner, upon seeing swollen particle board think that covering it with this stuff is solving anything.

    Yongquan Liu

    Could not click on the link Wags so I went to and typed in “granite transformation” under the search bar.


    Tom M

    Whoa – nice find, there, Wags.


    It works if you copy and paste it.. There have been more complaints regarding this product out here. Its 1cm (or 1.2most likely) on a plastic honeycomb backing. They V Groove the front edge.

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