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  • #357

    Nancy Polosi…New Speaker of the House. May God have mercy on our souls.

    Tom M
    Yeah, things really are blue for some of us in Blue State Ct.

    In all honesty, though, the R’s deserved to lose. The biggest winners? The biased press. They found out that they can spin a story and shape opinion rather well, it seems.


    Andy Graves

    Yep the Republicans got things handed to them this time. Let’s see what the Democrats can do. I am not so sure the Nancy is the right person for the job, but we’ll see whether we want to or not.

    Thankfully we live in America were we have the chance to vote.

    Shane Barker

    Andy wrote

    Thankfully we live in America were we have the chance to vote.

    Oh Yeah…well I voted and it didnt seem to do much good! 🙂 At least Arnie is stll in office…I think that’s a good thing.



    Agreed, the Republicans got what they worked hard for…fed up Americans.

    Tom M
    Just for you.



    Dang, what is that on Pelosi’s lip? A boil?? And it’s official…Ted Kennedy has officialy morphed in to Jabba the Hut. LOL Great stuff Tom.

    Tom M
    what is that on Pelosi’s lip? A boil??
    ummm… I- no! I am not. going. there.

    Tom M
    One of the funniest threads on losing the election is here.
    While the left whined about stolen elections, Diebold, etc. in ’04, this is how conservatives work off their disappointment. No protests in the streets, no vandalizing campaign headquarters, etc.

    By heralding all the wonderfull things that will be ours, now that the other side is in power. The press seems to have magically dicovered in the last two days, that the economy is doing well, and things aren’t as bad “over there” as was thought.


    Rob Thornton

    You know Tom, the nite before the election, I’m watching Larry “Mr Softball” King and there’s old Howard Dean playing the “We’re going to watch for voting irregularity” card. Oh yeah, those nasty conservitives have something up their sleeve. This coming from the same party who was offering free flu shots to their constiturnts in a certain area if they’d show up and vote. Pathetic all. I’m obviously registered to one party but I tend to vote for The Party of Dave. In other words, do what’s best for ones family. You just get so tired of the infighting.

    Since you’ve turned me on to some pretty cool sites Tom, the least I can do is reciprocate. Hope the fine moderators here don’t mind but if you’re so inclined to purchase a George Bush doll that…uhhh…well…hmmm… eats a lot of beans and makes noises, then go to: LOL

    Tom M
    I can hear it now:
    “C’mon in, Nanners. You don’t mind if I call you Nanners, do you? I have a pet name for everyone, since the frat days. Anyways, before we begin, Nanners, could you just help me out here and pull this finger? Thanks, that was great.”
    Dave Hickey

    Nanners huh…Hmmm, Nancy baby has a ring to it. Or: Bella Pelosi !

    Tom M
    Bella Pelosi

    We have a winner!

    Dan S

    Well then…

    BELLA PELOSI is a registered trademark of Federal Saw & Tool Companies, Inc.


    Tom, due to our banter about Mizzzzzz Pelosi, I have now registered:

    Although, if you click on it, it will simply show our server. All things bella will be their soon . Can’t say exactly what yet due to meetings that still need to be had with the legal/marketing side of things.


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