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  • #74455
    Lenny E


    I couldn’t link that stuff. First on my to do list, when back stateside is to call up my old  CIA contacts and get a decent blow thru the great bamboo firewall of China VPN or three. The free ones I dredged up are not cutting the mustard!


    I heard a story once about the Marx bro’s.. Harpo was hanging from a chandelier, Groucho was saying something ephemeral and Chico was being was being Chico.

    One of them said..’I’m tired of doing this, are you tired of doing of this?” and they walked off  the set into history.

    I’m at that point now. I would love to tour the Med coast with ya.I have significant contacts around the pond over there. Give me a year or two to button up projects, and I will be there.

    That is a tour made in heaven…The astute Tom M and company..and me (the walking dude and company) touring the Med coastline! It does not get any better than that!

    We can make this happen. My wife is already on board and wants to do the tour! 

    I always wanted to be a man of leisure!
    Tom M

    All I need to do now is get rid of this Neuropathy in the feet and get some dough for the trip and I am so there.

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