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  • #8904
    Marty Moros

    Ahhh Mory, or even concrete…Kevin, will there be a concrete section anytime soon? 🙂


    Mr Cole, you can keep my support and I’m sure other readers who are wary of the change by doing what you did here, listen and respond with information. If indeed you keep the solid surface information and add pages for stone and quartz, you are doing fine.

    Incidently, was my count of articles and ads far off in that last issue?

    Thanks for jumping in the discussion. In the past, a company could afford to let things play out but with the internet those days are over. Personally, I would like to find a way for my customers to provide feedback, good or bad like we have on this site. It would make my company better and stronger.

    Thanks for responding. Al.

    Tom M
    Mr. Cole,
    Thank you for your response to the comments herein. I think, since I was the one who referred to the past founders and contributors, you may have been thinking of me when you justified the Estone inclusion. It is important to understand that we all know change is both inevitable and necessary. That is neither good nor bad, it just is. How change is handled and what change is incorporated will necessarily have an impact on the perceptions of your publication.

    Originally, there was a good amount of unfiltered editorial content with regards Solid Surface manufacturers and techniques. Many fabricators would write in and voice concerns, compliments and frustrations with how they were being treated, differences in pricing and management in different areas, and changes in policy with or without regard to the fabricator was often noted in the magazine. As with ISSFA, the focus has changed to be less… confrontational, I suppose. It is understandable that this may happen, but it is also regrettable. I am very happy, as I stated earlier, that the magazine has avoided becoming another K&B Design, or some other advertorial-type mag. I like the other publications, mind you, especially the (non) price. Solid Surface (Surfacing) magazine is different, and I am not alone in appreciating you keeping the general style.

    I short, do what you feel you must with your business decisions. I will still read with interest what you write and publish, but please don’t be surprised if the attitude of your readership changes as you change. That fact is just as inevitable, and is a direct consequence of your decisions. This industry has matured to the point where an open forum, encouraging that which your magazine and ISSFA itself used to, but no longer caters to will pick up the slack.

    Keep on keeping on, then. We will still be there with you. In one form or another.

    Tom Mather

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