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  • #2519
    Jon Olson
    Here’s an article on Green Buildings going up in NY City. One of them is the Battery Park building where we are putting in Corian in all the Units. Solid surface is going to play a big part in the green Movement.

    Lenny E

    Hi Jon,

    You are so correct, for surfacing I predict Solid surface will lead the Green movement. Im developing green opportunitys for laminate and E stone also.

    But I have this problem, I get these phone calls and inform customers I sell Green solid surface. Then the customer says I was looking for beige, white and blue.

    Whats a guy to do?



    Andy Graves

    Green must mean different things. To me, solid surface is not a green product unless you use recycled or waste from another industry in the product.

    Is there a website that defines exactly what GREEN is?

    Nice find on the article Jon.

    Lenny E


    From my limited knowledge of the subject (heh heh), a product with 20% post industrial recycle content qualifies as green. If you use post consumer recycle content the number is lower (I think its 10%) . LEEDS has the answer, Im too busy right now to find out with a definite link.

    Please forgive me Oh Great Kahuna of Fabnet! I Bow to you! Please, please, please boot Kevin before you boot me! I wanna be the last rad-meter holder standing!

    BTW some granites that have been posted by Al may glow green in the dark, do they qualify as green?

    Nuke-a-Lificly yours,


    Gordon Doull
    Posted By Andy on 05/23/2008 11:49 AM

    Green must mean different things.

    Well, course it does. Allow me to eloborate out of MY limited knowledge (there is no joke there). GREEN IS…….

    8 shots of tequila…………OR

    a 12 pack of beer…………OR

    10 margaritas (cadillac, of course)….OR

    any amount of snake wine…….OR

    1 bad sushi dinner.

    And yes, there is usually at least 20% “recycling” if you catch my drift.

    Lenny, you’re right asusual. Getting green is getting alot easier for me, too.

    Dammit! Did I de-rail another thread? I hate it when I do that.

    Jon Olson
    Andy I think the correct definition of green would be something you have recycled and used again. As you stated it does at times become rather ambiguous. Maybe times green is defined as finding ways to use less of the earths resources to make a product ,or heat a building, How much less water can you sue? ETC.. The article I believe is trying to show how buildings can be friendly to the environment. Solid Surface is a product that can be renewed. It doest have to be put back into the waste stream.

    True it took some resources to make but has a return investment.

    Gordon Doull

    Kidding aside,

    What about products that are renewable? Say, without any need for alterior improvement (i.e. paint, laquers, coatings).

    Does it have to be removed and re-fabricated into something else or can it just be refinished in place for another full tenure of use in the same application?

    If it would have otherwise been replaced, isn’t it recycling to utilize it again for the same purpose? To doulbe its life span?

    My thoughts. Food for thought?

    Posted By SAI Gordon on 05/23/2008 12:39 PM

    Kidding aside,

    What about products that are renewable? Say, without any need for alterior improvement (i.e. paint, laquers, coatings).

    Does it have to be removed and re-fabricated into something else or can it just be refinished in place for another full tenure of use in the same application?

    If it would have otherwise been replaced, isn’t it recycling to utilize it again for the same purpose? To doulbe its life span?

    My thoughts. Food for thought?

    Excellent point Gordon!! Being able to refinish a top really should be considered when determining if a product is green, IMO.

    Just think how many Solid surface countertops we have recycled.

    Johnny C

    Jon Olson

    Good point Gordon.

    Tom M

    Yes, excellent point, Gordon (grumble, grumble, yet another compliment to the G-Man).
    The paint stays on for the most part, latex scrapings can wash into the earth with little measurable harm – why not?


    Solid surface without recycled is also considered Green to many…and just because a product is recycled doesnt means its Green…you have to consider the opitions…first I look for Sustainablity, then renewable and sanitary…most solid surface if not any doesnt off gas VOC’ seamless

    quartz even can get ya points if its Greengaurded

    all the repair teams are the highest point of Green…when a lady wants her white corian ripped out and thrown into the garbage to buy Vetrazzo… artists have been diverting cabinets and countertops from the landfills for years…if you cant repair the top,it may be green but its not sustainable

    why not buy and edge and then apply it and change out the backsplash and sand out da scratches if any….

    the best way to make an impact on the environment is to make no impact

    I even been working threw LEED APS to show them how Lumistone is Green…they quickly point out to me that its not recycled. well recycled biohazrd gloves arent good for the homes indoor air quality…anyway so pipe down mr AP

    Lumistone would save energy to run exit signs at night pulling in savings over 5 years that would fund payroll for 3 months, if you add up the time to drill holes for conduit and put up those signs they do use…it taKES EVEN MORE ENRGY more energy, Im signed into a registerd Platinum coming up in january,09 and it gonna have Lumistone , especially for the Kids rooms…sanitary, its great, Jon I was wondering are you using Corian recycled line?

    Thermoforming is even better to the healthy lifestyles of Greenthusists..people move in curves and people like to wipe clean very simple depens Green is hard to define and I havent found one person that can fully define it well, because you can have solar panels on a gas station and thats green even though they have formaldehyde highest content countertops

    Sustainability is the word I’d rather use…..this is cool green stuff…

    Jon Olson

    Good points Gene.

    Tom M

    Sustainability over “Green” any day. The longer it stays, the less impact THAT CONSUMER has on the environment. That is truly enviro-friendly.

    Good point.

    Lenny E

    Hi everybody,

    All joking and kidding aside. Im a big supporter of Green. It just makes environmental sense.

    Hi Gene,

    Thanks for the interest in Green Aspects of Lumistone. Yep green is how you look at it. Next time Im in the US, I going to swing by and see the legendary Toddster, I have some ideas how to recycle into the lumistone product line. I want to kick them around. I cant believe Ive been OOC (Out of Country) for 14 months now. I usually make it back to the Good ole USA (Gods Country- sorry I stole that saying from West Virginia) a week or two in every 12 month period.



    Lenny, I agree its a matter of some reconfiguring the Particulate pour bucket…or whatever it is…Just like Avonites Cozumel color is the Cobalt glass, antique glass, frosted, etc.particulates they threw in to the cozumel batch.

    of course it would be post industrial, but LEED is taking off and that can contribute to LEED points as well…I cant wait to see what your up to

    to throw Lumistone in the mix faster ya might also want to consider of having to spend about 100K to get the certification Greengaurd which you probaly already know is only for Indoor air quality and has absolutley nuthin to do with recycled, then SCS certifications is about the recycled,,which they are able to determine the content percentage, like avonite has 40%, Himac 12-13 % and corian the same

    If the scrap leftovers of lumistone can be ground up into lets say a clear frosted glass look…with the certification stamps… dat Paris hilton girl would say…Thats HOT!!!!

    I’ll post my next Lumistone inlay soon…its gonna be awesome, the Lumistone dragonfly I have done for this Solar home…it sits in her house as the solar glowing dragonfly to welcome friends…customers love it

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