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  • #5759
    Lenny E

    I hope you fabnetters on the East Coast will do OK. As a SE Texas resident and survivor of several of these little gems (Ike was the worst I was ever in), I hope and pray Sandy  fizzles and just waters your lawn. Keep us posted and may God bless you and keep ya’all safe and sound.

    Andy Graves

    Same hear, stay safe.

    Jon Olson

    Thanks Lenny +
    Andy.  The problem with Sandy is the size of the storm. Also meeting a strong
    cold front isn’t helping matters. The only bright side (I guess) is last year
    most of the old tree branches came down with the snow storm we had in October.
    So perhaps less branches this time taking down power lines.


    It looks like NY is
    going to have it pretty bad with the Atlantic being pushed into the


    At work currently
    not too bad yet .


    Tom M

    Same here. I’m seeing some wind, and it will only increase, but for now I just hope the trash gets picked up before the cans get blown all over the place.

    Generator is primed and the extension cords are in place.

    Lenny E

    Yep Jon, thats what worried me, its a slow mover (hangs around and rains and blows forever). Ya’all be safe. If they tell you to evacuate please do.

    During Ike I saw the back fence leave the ground and go dancing away!

    After its over, (I didn’t evacuate, but should have) pull one of my numbers, dressing up like Rambo, strapping on an AK to deter looters , cooking outside for weeks using fallen limbs for cooking fuel. Good times I tells ya! I emptied out the fridge, then the freezer, stored it on ice and cooked it all. we didn’t loose much at all. Thank God I had a well stocked pantry, batteries, cases of water. etc.

    My wife said, ‘in China the people wait for the government to do everything for them, but in America everyone does for only get some ice and water and can do. That is why America is #1 in all the world”

    I contacted my parents in MD, my Dad is in his 80’s to offer some advice from a well traveled prodigal son.

    Ya’all be well.


    Sending prayers from Arizona for all you in harms way.. Protect yourself and families, heck with the material stuff.

    Lenny E

    I see where the fishing pier in Ocean City Md, got wrecked. Ya’all be safe.

    Tom M

    Our shoreline got trashed, but here in the middle of the state it wasn’t too bad. I’m at work, with power, clearing some branches.

    Jon has to worry about the return leg, which may impact him more than me.

    Jon Olson
    I lost a gutter and
    have water in my basement . I just found out we wont get power back until
    Saturday. We have this 90 acre field next to our house The wind have free reign
    on my property It was more of the wind pushing rain into my house.


    Last year to the date we
    lost power for 5 days from the snowstorm. No matter your thoughts on climate you
    have to agree things are happing .


    Lenny E

    Sorry to hear about the gutter and water in the basement Jon. Glad you made it through safe.

    As far as the climate, back in the 70’s the scientists predicted we were going into an ice age. Extrapolation of data is a dangerous technique that lends itself to spurious conclusions (interpelation is much safer technique).

    Then they predicted global warming, but certain places on the earth got colder (snow, ice etc.).

    Then they changed the jargon to “climate change”.

    The old folks had a name for these type of climate “changes”. They called it “the weather”.


    my grandma turned 100 years old in august…she was kinda excited..she never witnessed a blackout before..and she been in Elizabeth NJ since glad she gotta a phone with in Florida we kinda get useta the hurricane drama…but my grandma said she and the neighbors are sharing flashlights food and just keeping it togetrh…she is so old but young at heart cheering up the kids with stories

    …if ya wann know the secret to staying old so long my grandma is george carlinish…she tellya the secret to living long is simply…”DON’T DIE”
    Chris Yaughn

    been a while since I heard someone use the word spurrious   in a sentence.  Bet I even spelled it wrong.

    Tom M

    Do you need anything I could help you with?

    Jon Olson
    Hey Tom, thanks but
    we are back on line. They told us Saturday and three hours later we had power.
    Its on to the next storm.
    Andy Graves

    Climate Change = Weather….awesome.

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