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  • #61234
    Mory Ludwick


    It was good talking to you this morning.  Our people are looking forward to working with you.  We have 8 photo-tops and they all work fine.  I thought it was time to try something new, so we tried the LT 55.  I am sure it will work fine, but the learning curve is going to be tough for our people.  I am certain they are incorrectly doing it.  Who else is using the LT 55.  I would like to know if you ever have any issues with it. 

    I have also talked with Jim, from Laser Products.  I told him you would be assisting us.  He said that you were the best.



    Chris Yaughn


    I got mine from Gordon a while back.  The unit has to be DN level.  The tripod also needs to be level if you are moving the LT up and down.

    Use the pins to eliminate low angle shooting and shoot a random wall before and after to confirm that the unit hasn’t moved.

    Brian Stone

    We just got our second LT-55 about a month ago. As far as I know we have not had any issues with them. I worked with Photo-Top at the last fabricator I was with. I liked it a lot but I prefer the LT-55 because it’s easier to check the dimensions when you are still on site instead of having to process the pictures after you get back to the office.

    Tom M

    Similar to Chris, if you are shooting around an existing top and wish to nail the walls, be sure to level the tripod so you can raise the height of the laser above the splash.

    The tool works great, and in your situation you will be able to take advantage of it well.

    In my situation, I still have some hard and shiny fabbers that do not take digital templates, so we don’t use the machine as much as we could.

    Mory Ludwick

    Thanks for all of the replies.  We found out today that our system may not be calibrated correctly.  They are sending us a new box.  Our templaters will still have the learning curve, but I’ll make sure they just do one at a time until they get it right. 


    Chris Yaughn

    Tell them to listen to the beep (assuming the newer units still beep).  When the laser is taking too long to get feedback the beep takes longer to happen. The longer it takes to hear the beep, the less I trust the measurement.

    Also, they will need to learn when to shoot something and when to just draw it.  Many times it makes no sense to try and shoot a raised bar or a 24” piece beside a stove.

    Tom M

    One thing they will need to adjust to, is they need to think in terms of 2D, unlike the photo stuff. You can raise the device, for instance, to continue the same digital template (for instance if you wish to hit a wall above and behind a splash) you are merely continuing the same template with a readjustment.

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