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  • #7665
    Shane Barker

    Andy wrote
    In California, we are not allowed to use denatured alcohol to clean anything. We got a memo from Dupont one time explaining it, but I don’t remember the specifics.

    Boy I am glad I am not in California……Oh wait…I am….So Andy you don’t use Denatured Alcohol any more? Just curious….I am not saying I do…just wondering if you do.


    Andy Graves


    Are you trying to get me in trouble? 🙂

    I use jet fuel. Actually it is methenol.

    Shane Barker

    Wow that is so weird, that is what I am using .


    Matt Kraft


    Let me know if you got ahold of Composites One.



    “Lacquer thinner labels carry a use a respirator when using, because the fumes from it are toxic. You do not see that on alcohol, it is a natural compound.” Quote from KC

    “For OSHA controlled work place and other regular users- Use only with adequate ventilation under engineered air controlled systems designed to prevent exceeding appropriate TLV. For occasional use, where engineered air control is not feasible, use properly maintained and properly fitted NIOSH approved respirator for organic solvent vapors.” Quote from Kleen-Strip S-L-X Denatured Alcohol can.


    Hosok Chong

    Just went to the warehouse and read a Kleen Strip can…That’s what it says. But, the shortest book you’ll ever read is fabricators who I’ve seen actually using a respirator.


    Ever read the OSHA details on using a window cleaner. Geez.. you almost have to wear a hazmat suit to use Windex.

    My can of DA does not have that, it only says keep away from open flames and do not drink, do not use in confined spaces, and avoid skin contact. But thanks for the clarification. I’m sure depending on what state the company sales in is how the warning label will read.


    Ok… I reread your post. It says if you have adequate ventilation, no need to use a respirator if the space you are in does not allow a concentration above a certain limit. Most SS shops are large enough that a little spray will not exceed the limit. However, lacquer thinner basically says, if you open the can, use a respirator.


    Alain Long

    Just helped a customer load his install truck with some products he bought. He lifts up the door of the truck, grabs a bottle of “Zephyrhills spring water” and takes a chug…IT’S DENATURED ALCOHOL! Proceeds to spit it out promptly…did’nt swallow it. How many times in shops do I see gatorade or some type of heavy plastic bottle filled with DNA without regards to a label…scary.

    Shane Barker

    Boy…that will wake you up.

    I guess that is why they say it is so important to LABLE your containers. Hard lesson to learn.



    Shane, had to laugh (with him) after he spit it out, he says, and I quote:

    “That sh*** worse than grain alcohol”! I guess it is. Never had either…


    I’m curious as to why it was in a bottle like that. In my shop, it either is in the original container or a spray bottle?

    things that make you go humm!


    KC, I see it in bottles like that all the time. Especially Gatorade or Powerade bottles as they are a thick plastic and the chemical will not eat through them. The installers load a few of them for the install truck (easier than taking a 5 gal. pail) but God forbid that in the course of the day, they buy a similair drink.

    Jae Yoo

    I’ve always used DNA. Have used Laquer to get tough dirt or ink but always go back over with DNA. Why the concern about DNA or Laquer thinner. Heck you guys, as I did, breathe all that acrylic and polyester dust and adhesive residue. Kinda like smoking but no inhaleing.

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