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  • #73276
    Andy Graves

    Hey Chris, do you have a donation page on your website for the Fostering Families?

    Chris Yaughn

    There is no website.  We have had people offer to make one, but we can’t put pictures of half the kids we get to help on there.

    Also, I  don’t want a 12 year old kid we are getting to know googling my name, and or the logo on my truck and it coming back to a site that  promotes our efforts.  And makes him feel like the only reason we are talking to him is because it is our job.   Or making him feel like he is one of “those” kids.

    You can see some things on our facebook page, but we don’t run things through it all the time.…8094530070

    Thinking about it , the irony is that, much like walking along side our kids, donating money to us isn’t all that easy .  I remember speaking to a fairly large group at a church one night.  It was a missions night, and the speaker before me was the youth pastor at that church.  He told the people how helping with the youth on a certain night was really easy for anyone to do no matter thier age.  It started on time and it stopped on time and you always new when you would get home.   You could even sit down if you want.   It would be great and rewarding, if you just came out and gave it a try. It was very well defined.

    I followed him. 

    I am a terrible public speaker.  Lots of uhmms, and I play with my wedding ring like rain man or something.  I started by telling them that our efforts were nothing like the previous speaker.  

    Once you connect with a kid you never know when they are going to call.  You never know when you are going to see a police report in the paper and KNOW that it is one of yours.  

    It is dangerous, your are putting your shield on the table and exposing your heart to circumstances that will try to break it.   We have no idea when we are going to get started or stop.   

      BUT, BUT, BUT when a 7 year old memorizes my phone number ( and her 5 year old sister as well) because I wrote it on her suitcase when she went into a long term foster home……. you know, ,  you think it might be worth it.  Her mom or dad would be of little use in a crisis.    She is calling my cell phone if she gets lost in the mall.   I”t is hard to put that in a neat little package that is appealing to the masses.

    OK, not sure when I slid up on a soap box, or why ,   but I am off now.  If you are interested in donating anything, call me or email me.  we are a 501(3)c.   if that matters.

    again, sorry for slipping into a rant.

    Linda Graves

    Posted By Lenny E on 21 Oct 2012 07:49 AM

    I don’ t  know  who this A hole secret donater to Chis is , but if me and the rest you fab-netters got off our collective asses and donated to Chris , he could make a difference for those kids.

    I’m gonna make a one time donation just to match  his secret donator! I’m good for 100 bucks Chris! How bout ya all Fabnetters?Can you put your money where your mouth  is?   Are your balls as big as mine..or you got little , tiny shriveled up raisins for scrotums?

    Just sayin!

    Come on guys! …Its for the kids!

    Hey Lenny,
    I am not sure how to answer your question but I am in for $100.00.

    To whom to we make the check?  Can you post an address?  I am sure you don’t want dozens of FabNetters calling you.


    Chris Yaughn

    Sure Linda.

    2505 watering hole ct statesboro GA 30458

    phone 912^690^2498  cell

    That is our house.  The clothes closet has a mail box, but it is not checked.

    Alos, don’t be so sure about the phone calls.   You never know what God is going to send from where.   A Cali company has sent fabricating gear to a boys ranch right here in GA based on a few random phone calls. That ranch sent an old mobile home to us, that was built out as new to keep a 6 child sibling group together, living with an Aunt and OUT of the system.

    If you have a minute call.  If I answer I am prepared to sit aside whatever work stuff is in front of me to talk about our kids.   If I don’t answer, leave a message and I’ll call back when I am in the truck.

    Andy Graves

    Hey Chris,

    I’m in for a $100.

    This is just my opinion, but you need a website that will accept donation through paypal. It could just be one page. It doesn’t need to have any pictures of kids or anything. Just post a mission statement and the items you need to help support your efforts.

    Make the website address easy but not searchable.

    Would make a huge difference. This way when you speak and ask for donations, you can give out the URL and that’s it.

    Again, just my opinion.


    Linda Graves

    Posted By Chris Yaughn on 21 Oct 2012 09:53 PM

    Sure Linda.

    2505 watering hole ct statesboro GA 30458

    phone 912^690^2498  cell

    That is our house.  The clothes closet has a mail box, but it is not checked.

    Alos, don’t be so sure about the phone calls.   You never know what God is going to send from where.   A Cali company has sent fabricating gear to a boys ranch right here in GA based on a few random phone calls. That ranch sent an old mobile home to us, that was built out as new to keep a 6 child sibling group together, living with an Aunt and OUT of the system.

    If you have a minute call.  If I answer I am prepared to sit aside whatever work stuff is in front of me to talk about our kids.   If I don’t answer, leave a message and I’ll call back when I am in the truck.

    Is the check made out to Fostering Bullock?

    Lenny E


    I commend you and Andy. You are truly caring people.

    Now every politician with every BS program he is pushing says ” it’s for the kids”.It’s all the lying and all the BS. But Chris really is for the kids IMO. You chose wisely.

    We generally meander through life taking care of our own families, concerns and biz. But when someone like you and Andy reaches out of your way to help someone else, it truly shines brightly, like a newborn star in the universe. I think God sees that  and smiles.

    Surely God will bless you both!

    Thank you!

    Andy Graves

    Interesting how as fabricators we end up finding out so much more about each other. Really is kinda neat to see what Chris has been able to accomplish over the past few years.

    Chris Yaughn

    Fostering Bulloch is fine for checks.

    Andy, I need to get new pics up of the clothes closet.   A local couple has basically adopted it and it looks like a kids clothing store.

    G-d has blessed us with some amazing resources to help, if even just a little. 

    The problem with helping, though, is that the more you do.  The more you realize there is to do.  And you actually feel like you are getting less done as a percentage of what needs to get done…… if that makes any sense. 

    Chris Yaughn

    thank you Graves family. 

    Andy Graves

    Your welcome Chris, hope it helps.

    Chris Yaughn

    It all helps.

    Thank you also Lenny

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