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  • #1629
    Tim Tiessen

    Lady needs some help. I put this here so only members would see it. This is one of the few out there, taking care of it quickly will make us all look good.

    Corian problem

    Advice please?



    Tom M


    I guess I’ve been registered for awhile. I can’t post until it sends me my member name.

    That will come to me at work – tomorrow.

    What I tried to post was there may be a deeper damage from acetone, etc., but that’s doubtful. If it was a dye problem in the resin, it will be replaced.

    I also said that the fabricator seems pretty straight up so far. If he stays with her till this is settled, she should recommend him to all she meets.

    I also busted your stones a bit, cussed you out for waking me up to go over there.

    Send her to this thread if it will help.

    David Gerard

    Al, this is wacky, wacky, wacky but have her check to see if the lens of her can lights are clean. I have had marks appear on walls we knew were freshly painted only to see the windows had smudges and casted shadows. we re-painted 2 times before we figured it out.

    Norm Walters

    If it’s lighting, the piece they took to the shop will tell that. Otherwise is a manu’s problem, in my opinion.

    Andy Graves

    I replied.

    Chad Pitcher

    Hey, watch that stones business, can’t ya pick a better word?

    Thanks for the help. What a difference between this site and one of the stone sites. I have seen fifteen to twenty fabricators doing their best to say the problem is blown out of porportion or not the fabricators fault. Some stand up to poor quality work, but when there is a material issue, well, it is a natural product after all…

    David Gerard

    How about a thread like “stump the chumps” similar to Click and Clack on NPR sat. morning “Fool the Fabbers” with itchy and scratchy

    Josh Booker

    Looks like this shop is dropping the ball on this issue.

    Anyone have the name of the Corian rep in the lady’s area? Richmond Virginia.

    This needs to be fixed, doing it will impress more than a few prospective customers. Make a statement here, Corian, by taking care of this quickly and publickly.

    David Gerard

    Al, if you ever find out what the problem was let us know.



    I will check on the thread this weekend to see what happened.

    Andy Graves

    The lady gave me a call and I spoke with her about my experience. Without knowing and seeing the problem, it is very difficult to say.

    I told her I had difficulty with that particular color and sometime even a really great fabricator can have difficulties. She is moving forward to get the problem corrected and I told her to call if she needed more help.

    Gordon Doull

    I too would love to hear why and how this happened and was rectified. Thanks.

    Isn’t there any mfg. reps on the site here that can shed some light on this?

    Karl Crooks

    Anyone know how this one turned out, we have another one just like it.


    I’ll check on it, Karl.

    by the way, I gave a lady your website address today, from OKC. Has a cracked Wilson Art SSV top. Cracked near the sink, water swelled up the substrate, told her that if anyone could fix it, it would be you guys. She is still under warranty, if there still is one for SSV and I sent her to the local distributor to file a claim.

    Randy Evans

    This is a cut-and-paste from a new post at Gardenweb…..may be sort of related to this original question, or not. The thread is called “Corian, marks – refinish?often?”.

    “I love my Corian counter, it is black/white/grey. The only thing i am somewhat disappointed in, is that when you look at it in the right light on an angle you see marks (some water and some just kinda fuzzy, dullish) kinda hard to describe, scratches (not deep). I do realize that to avoid water marks you need to wipe up right away. But sometimes someone leaves a glass and you don’t wipe it right away.

    Those water marks are difficult to remove. I got the Corian cleaner and tried that with a sponge but it, in itself made the surface look different in that spot. I certainly did not plan on having to resurface/clean the whole counter all the time. Do you get your counter resurfaced often? Nothing seems to be perfect, maybe i expected too much. But i thought it would be a bit more durable.”

    Kind of curious on this, since I have a new Corian countertop myself, that sounds like this one in terms of color. Mine is perfect so far, though.

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