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  • #1095
    Kevin Padden

    Lets’ see, Roger Clemons signs today with the Yankees for $28 million for 1 year. The 45 year old must have cleaned all the roids out of his system just in time to take the offer from dear old…and I mean old Steinbrenner who never met a player he couldn’t buy.

    What an absolute joke this sport has become.

    Chris Yaughn

    I don’t have time to do it right now, but it would be interesting to see the wins per dollar, rankings for the top teams of the last few years. I think you might be surprised at how well the non Yankees and Red Sox have fared.


    Jon Olson

    I LOVE BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!

    Andy Graves

    Many people in America will never make what Clemens will make in one month.

    Chris Yaughn


    It is all an economy of scale. The system will collapse when the salaries are not supported by revenues generated( ask Hockey). I could care less what he makes, good for him. If I had the skill set that allowed me to generate that kind of revenue I’d do it in a heart beat. ( that may not actually be tru but for the sake of this arguement we can say it is).

    Wouldn’t play for the Yanks though. Take a few mill less and go play in BeanTown.


    Tom M

    [Jon reads above comment, high faives himself – and misses]


    I think

    Andy Graves

    No I am just amazed that people can make that kind of money.

    Jon Olson
    Sports are my entertainment. Look how much money it took to make the Spider man movie. 1/2 billion. I think thats a joke.


    Actually Jon I believe it was around 254 Mil.

    Here’s the point guys….How can you teach your children team work, the best team wins, work hard and all that when in the real world of MLB, it’s simply who has the most money to spend in an attempt to BUY a championship.

    Baseball in its present form turns my stomach !

    Matt Kraft

    I love baseball, but the economics of it are a joke.

    And the Cardinals are playing terrible…

    Andy Graves

    FEDSAWDAVE wrote

    Actually Jon I believe it was around 254 Mil.

    Here’s the point guys….How can you teach your children team work, the best team wins, work hard and all that when in the real world of MLB, it’s simply who has the most money to spend in an attempt to BUY a championship.

    Baseball in its present form turns my stomach !

    No disrespect intended, but isn’t the fact that the NYY spend more but still come up short a great lesson to teach your children. All the money in the word can’t buy heart, dedication, committment and in many cases a championship.

    It also says that if you become the best and work harder (Alex Rodriquez) you too will be compensated for your efforts.


    Yes Andy, I suppose so. But (there’s always a but) then should we teach them to root for those that spend the most to come in last???

    I’m obviously playing devils advocate…


    Actually Andy he will make more in one game (approx. 3hrs) than most will make in a lifetime. Should clear around $1.1 million per game. Based upon the average number of hitters a starter will face per game he makes $45600 per batter.

    Even as a Yankees fan I have mixed feelings about paying someone that much money and by the way they are not the only team that does. Heck the Tx rangers still pay half of A-Rods salary per year. The red sox paid 51 million just to talk to Dice K, that was paid to the Japanese team, not the guys salary.

    No wonder it takes a few hundred dollars to take your family to a game. Dont get on baseball all the sports do it. and actually baseball is not as bad because their salaries are spread out over a lot more games.

    Shane Devlin

    “All the sports do it” ??? Ahhh, no they don’t.


    OK not the NHL, they have no fan base left or contracts with networks to pay major salaries but they did and it bit them back. NBA, NFL, MLB its all the same when it comes to large contracts.

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