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  • #1714
    Linda Graves

    OK guys, I am sure I will get some flack for this post but so be it.

    I do not appreciate Avonite’s new ad on the back of the October issue of Surface Fabrication. Does everyone need to sink to this type of advertising to get business? Are you guys impressed by the picture of the guy in the ad? Does this make you read the ad? Almost from the day Avonite started, their literature was outstanding. Over the years, they have had good and not so good ads but this one is tacky.

    I am sure we could all think of questionable slogans to use with hard surfaces, but should we?


    Norm Walters

    Linda, it surprised me too. I talked to Andy about this, I thought it was either a Viagra ad, or for a self help sex tape. Now the Hi-Macs girls on the runway at the Expo, well that’s a different story.


    Well Linda, I’m glad you brought this up. It struck me as crude as well. While I’m certainly no prude, I do have a moral compass I like to follow. Some ad agency thought it was cute but it was obviously approved by Avonite.

    I do not think they need to stoop to that level to puvey sheet size.


    WELP!…I gotta admit….that socked me in the stomach, I don’t mind the woman in the tub ads, because most woman want to be in that bubble bath, its kinda borderline ok….this ad i feel sorry for the guy….I wonder if he has one of those bumper stickers on his truck that reads “it’s not how deep you fish, its how you wiggle your worm”

    This one I hope is only on fabricator magazines, i hope it does not end up in other hands, i would be so embarrassed, because i represent Avonite big time, I have a tattoo on my back in old english letters of Avonite….jus kidding but i really love Avonite and if one of my women designers/archiquacks see this, i don’t think they’ll be offended, they’ll more less have the look of WTF?????

    How can you represent a company that would do that? cheesy…very cheesy….wait til you see DUPONT/Corians TV commercials They are along the lines of showing club women and men with their shirts open, etc..Then one has a Yellow man fall in love with a red woman and they mate and make the new REd/yellow countertop…..Pretty corny way to sell countertops but what do i know other than my opinion????.I was at a Corian Regional Party last month in Tampa in YBOR City at a niteclub setting and they showed us the new commercials.


    Well, I guess I really pay attention to the back of magazines. I had no clue what you were all yapping about so I goes over and pick it up and look. Well crap I had to stop and read the stuff to even have a clue what they were selling. I just can not beleive they think this will in any way sell any countertop material. Guess next they will decide to sell the premium sheets to do it yourselvers like the B grade stuff.


    Well, we are talking about it. Isn’t that what they want us to do? The whole purpose of advertising? You know: “Hey, did you see that Avonite ad on the back of Surfaces magazine?” Like Reuben said, he would not have known to look.

    6 of 1, half dozen of another.

    Chris Yaughn

    My wife said she would prefer that we not buy from Avonite now. Not that we bought that much before, but still…………

    Mark Mihalik

    The guy in the pic doesn’t do anything for me personally

    Seriously, how embarassing would it be to pose for an ad like that? Wether its Avonite, Viagra, pills, or whatever.

    Gregg Mautz

    Mark, I would submit that there’s no embarassing the 30 and down crowd. They grew up on crudity. It’s their way of life.

    No, I’m not painting with a broad brush. They know who they are.

    EDIT: So who exactly is Avonite marketing this to? Betcha their inside marketing guy/girl (probably guy) is less than 30.

    Linda Graves

    I agree the under 30 crowd is used to this stuff but I still wonder who in the under 30 crowd are the targeting. Does someone read that and think “Gee, at least I can get Avonite sheets in the right size?”


    Tom M

    I’m with Dave on this.

    I will never forget that Avonite has custom sized sheets. Mission accomplished.

    It won’t really matter, because if I was bidding a job that would use enough sheets to trigger this feature, I’d have asked for special pricing, and my distributor would have suggested this.

    Good to see that Surf Fab got the dough for the ad anyway.

    Mark Mihalik

    I’m in the 30 and down crowd (barely).

    I didn’t pay much attention to the ad until I saw this thread. I guess as you said, I’m use to this stuff.

    Tom Miller

    I don’t mean that derogatorily toward you Mark or any person in the 30 and down crowd. It’s just that if you grew up on Leave it to Beaver, The Brady Bunch and original Disney cartoons, your perspective as to what is appropriate for your viewing or your familes viewing is differant than if you grew up on MTV, VH-1, South Park & Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

    Linda Graves

    So, the under 30 crowd didn’t pay any attention to the ad and the “older crowd” thought it was tacky and crude. I as still trying to figure out their target audience.



    Um, maybe those who watch Desperate House wife stuff. You know try and grab those ladies with the young buck after all they make the dicisions don’t they ??

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