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  • #5784

    are you business owners thinking of way to cover that costs…Interesting how Denny’s is now considering this…Its funny how we will soon hear. Customer wants to buy a Obamacare free hamburger..get that off my reciept.
          I need more info about doing that because it doesnt say divert your costs to your customer…its says we pay for it…but dont we hafta just raise our prices as if it was just another type of cost.
             I dont think we can tag on another line item under edge profile..Obama health care surcharge… or can we if Denny’s is going to attempt it??
    Jon Olson

    Isn’t the food
    Dennys sells the reason we need medical care


    hahahaha I know…I heard McDonald is gonna do it…I hear the tobacco companys are doing it…I still dont get it…if I buy food and see that surcharge..I know when gas went up my vendors who delivered a saw blade charged me more..I just dont like the seeing the added charge ..just tell me the cost!!!

                    but when they put that 49c charge for gas…it makes me freak out on them..just throw it in the price..just like I dont need to see your water bill on my invoice…
    Linda Graves

    I have a novel idea.  If the gov’t wants to mandate health insurance, how about everyone being responsible for buying their own?  We all do the research and chose our own car insurance and pay for it, why not health insurance? 

    When the employer is responsible for taxes being withheld from pay checks and sent to the gov’t, the average person pays no attention to how much the gov’t is stealing from them.  The same will happen with healthcare insurance.  We all need to be responsible for writing our own checks. 

    Of course, if everyone had to pay all of the taxes and healthcare costs themselves, even though their take home pay was adjusted higher, many would not do it.  But why should the employer be the collector of debt for the government?  I have a countertop shop so I have to hire someone to do that job for the government.  Makes absolutely no sense. 

    Itemizing the costs on all bills to consumers might wake people up a little.


    Friend of mine works at a place that has 65 full time employees. They are dropping back to everyone 30 hours a week, except for management, they will pay the 2k fine on them.

    My neice the chiropractor, will no long be able to bill health insurance after jan 2014. Chiro’s will not be a covered charge. She will have to get rid of 7 girls, drop her practice down to cash only and have one employee.

    Norm Walters

    Kelsey, I did some research on Chiropractors and Obama Care. It is going to be up to the individual states as to what is covered as far as alternative treatments.

    Andy Graves

    Absolutely love the last paragraph of the article. They basically say they don’t know what the law says because the law is not finished being written. What a joke.

    Damn politicians are screwing the middle class again with their unintended consequences.


    Shes in Texas, my chiro said the same in Ky.

    My friend that is in the VA system said Chiros will be gone from TriCare in 2014.

    Tom M

    Andy, the joke is the people who let themselves be sold this bill of goods, especially with the open ended nature of it. That is not something that goes away. it will get adapted as the gummint deems necessary.

    What isn’t a joke is the media failing to explain that sad fact to the public at large.


    How can anyone believe that if the government is going to run something, its going to cost less? The government adds from 30% to 60% in overhead on everything it “runs”. Those birth control pills that you can purchase for $4 a month, will now cost those of us paying taxes about $10.

    Look up how companies started offering health insurance. It was during WWII when wages were frozen. To attract employees companies offered medical insurance, a fairly new concept, since most folks paid cash for their medical services. Once your no longer involved in directly paying for health services the cost increase. It’s how you get $50 aspirin, and $25 bandages. If you paid directly no way you would pay those fees. And insurance companies, knowing they make a percentage of what they pay, don’t really care either, they just raise the cost of the insurance.

    Linda your 100% correct about if we had to write a check out for not only the Income taxes, but SS and Medicare, workers comp, etc we would never stand for it. People would be outraged. This is the same with taxing business. It’s easy to sell to the stupid public that the corporation will pay for it. Anyone with an ounce of brains know that companies do NOT PAY TAXES, they merely pass them onto their customers.
    Americans are for the most part the most ignorant folks on the planet. They have no clue how an economy works….

    Andy, we have a media that is in bed with the government, they are just another branch of government, willing to spew the government lies. How pathetic a bunch are they.

    Andy Graves

    Want to fix the insurance industry, make it illegal for employers to pay for it. Adjust wages accordingly and all will be great. Competition will bring the price back down.


    are any of youse guys gonna add the line item to your estimates like Denny’s? I think it might really make an impact as to saying hey..Gas is up so there is the surcharge…same thing? is anyone gonna do it…please share your response from the customer when he or she sees it…  Hmmm Mr. Countertop man..what is there charge for?

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