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  • #3496
    Adam Nelson

    I have a little bit of a problem with the way my paper trail runs from the front to the back of the shop and out the door.  We use excel for all of our pricing templates, an old version of moraware for scheduling, and quickbooks for accounting.  The problem that I am having is that we have to enter all information into three different systems, and its about to drive me nuts.

    I have looked into the new updates available for moraware and the global stone pro software.  I am basically looking for some feedback from you guys that are using different programs and how well they work for you guys. 

    Just a few likes and dislikes about the way you guys use whatever programs you guys have would be greatly appreciated!

    Andy Graves

    I use Excel to price only because I set it up 10 years ago and it is fast and easy. Problem is then I have to great a contract with Access and then enter the invoice in Quickbooks.

    Moraware saves a ton of time with job management and we intend to start using more of the program to do the contracts.

    We are also real close to maybe getting QuickQuote because the visual part of it is excellent. Not to mention it now integrates into Moraware (so I have been told) Check out the QuickQuote press release on the home page for more information.

    I agree that the time spent to create quotes is time consuming.

    Brian Stone

    Right now we use Excel for quotes, moraware for job tracking and scheduling, and a program called Made2Manage for accounting.

    We are getting away from Made2Manage in the next couple months and going to QuickBooks. I wouldn’t wish Made2Manage on an enemy. I really don’t know what they were thinking when they bought that program…

    I’m also trying to get sales to start using Moraware for quotes. They are very stuck in their ways and it’s been tough to get them to change the way that they do anything…and I mean anything. I would think that the ability to track quotes like you can in Moraware would make it a no-brainer for them but apparently I’m wrong.


    I checked out the Quick Quote demo and became slightly confused.

    Am I right in assuming that you effectively have to build a drawing of the lay out in order to do a quote? If so, given the ratio of quotes to eventual orders, then that’s an awful lot of wasted energy. The Moraware quoting syatem does not require you to jump through that hoop and neither does the system we use presently (based on our accounts package).


    Hi Patrick,

    I’ll take a stab at answering that for you.

    QuickQuote does the drawing automatically as you price, so there’s no manual drawing to create the layout in order to get a quote. What QuickQuote does is have you enter dimensions on visual representations of the countertop shapes you want to price and select things like edging/splashes/corner type etc. Then it tabulates all the various quantities (including things like the total sqft of the shape and linear foot of edging) and draws a shape automatically based upon all of that information.


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