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  • #366
    Chris Yaughn

    Andy ( I’m guessing?)

    Great graffic on the home page about Veterans Day. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own concerns, we forget that without the tremendous sacrifice many of these guys have put up, we would be less worried about what top material is waxing or waning and more concerned with death squads, el dictator de jure telling us what to produce and when, or whether or not a suicide bomber would visit our kids pre-school.

    Thanks to all the Vets out there.


    Andy Graves

    Good post and thanks.

    I just think it is easy for us to communicate on this forum in an open way without our government telling us what to say. So basically without our veterans and our freedom, this site wouldn’t exist.

    Just my way of saying thanks. Hopefully everyone feels the same.

    Tom M
    That was really nice of you guys to put that up.

    Bless and protect our troops ensuring our freedom. Call a vet today and thank him. I will be calling my father, brother-in-law, old lighting buddy, and anyone else I can think of.


    Seth Emery

    Yeah Andy, I agree. Thanks for putting that up, and thanks to all of the veterans for your service and our freedoms.

    Have a nice day,

    Tom M
    Thank you again, Andy for the thought.

    If you don’t mind, to mark the end of this day, I would like to link the following.

    Thank you, Veterans.


    Tom M
    (from a commenter on the Ace of Spade’s site)

    Written by Richard Lovelace during the English civil war in the 1600’s.

    Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind,

    that from the nunnery of thy

    chaste breast and quiet mind

    To war and arms I fly.

    True a new mistress now I chase,

    the first foe in the field,

    And with a stronger faith embrace

    a sword, a horse, a shield.

    Yet this inconstancy is such

    as you too shall adore,

    I could not love thee dear so much

    Loved I not Honour more.

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