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  • #5608

    Hello there, I’ve met with a Interior designer and  they have a need for burled beach and Rosemary Solid surface.  I’m still small time and haven’t seen the need for a v groover or even a small cnc……YET:0
    The tech manual says you must V groove these colors to carry the color through the build up. 
          Since I  don’t have a v groover so my question is.. Is the transition for the build up that noticeable????.  The edge treatment is  going to be either Ogee or a bevel.  Would this hide the transition????
         Also I still don’t fathom  how you can v groove a inside radius for like a  l shaped top…

    I don’t want to promise something i can’t deliver on so before I jump into something I can’t come through with..

    ANd  BTW…..  Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone  Jason



    If you stack the edge so that the orientation of the edge pieces is the same as the deck material it will look very good.
    If you stand the edge material on edge you will see a definite change in the pattern.   Depending on the shape and size of the edge profile it may or may not obscure the pattern change.  That being said.  One way to overcome the change is by making a deep rabbet at the edge of the deck from the back side of the sheet to glue your edge pieces into.   This helps to minimize the showing thickness of the deck.
    Burled Beach should look pretty good if you stack the edge.  
    V-groove definitely looks great but the inside corners are a problem, as you mentioned.
    Johnny C  
    David Jones

    rabbit the edge pal , 8mm down ,and put a 4 mm radius on top edge ,only way to do it, did a sonora one this week ,gr8 job


    ok so what your saying is  cut the build up to the standard 1.5 inches and then rabbit 8mm on the back side.  what does radius”ing” the edge do? I understand 8 plus 4 = the 12mm but are you saying you can only do a round over edge treatment??

    David Jones

    thats correct , the small radius totally disguises  the 4mm that has been left on

    Andy Graves

    A rabbet will work but you will have to address the inside corner with a different method. Typically, the inside corner will have stacked edge so you may as well do the entire edge stacked. It should look pretty good.

    If you decide to do a drop edge let them know the inside corners will look a bit different.

    If you have a large profile, this will not be an issue because it will disguise the variation.

    I do use a v-groover on Private Collection and it looks remarkable. Better than any other type of edge style. It is difficult to do an inside corner so for us, if there is an inside corner we stack the edge.

    Get some scrap material or a few 4 x 4 samples and do a mock up to show the client. This way there will be no surprises and you will have piece of mind know you won’t have to change anything once installed. A good idea would be to have client sign off on the final decision.

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