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  • #2692

    According to The Environmental Magazine, animals raised for food are warming the planet faster than cars:

    Livestock contributes 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, measured in carbon dioxide equivalents, which is more than the entire transportation system!

    Livestock production is the single largest human-related use of land. Grazing uses 26% of the ice and water-free surface of the earth.

    If you’re worried about the rainforest, give up the cheeseburgers and steaks. 60-70% of Brazilian rainforest is cleared for animal pasture.

    Meat production produces five tons of waste for every American, 130 times the volume of human waste.

    The Green Movement will gain some real credibility with me when people start making real sacrifices by putting their grocery shopping where their mouth is.


    Andy Graves

    But the waste from animals is used to fertilize the fields to grow food. Shouldn’t there be a balance between meet and vegetables?

    Chris Yaughn

    Yes Andy, Of Course

    There should be balance.

    Half the plate in meat and half the plate in veggies.



    David Gerard

    wild game and fish. Did you know you can raise 5-6 elk on the same amount of land it takes for 1 cow. I was told, cattle don’t process feed as well as members of the deer family. I know stepping in elk and moose pellets is no big deal but cow pies

    Tom M

    Now that scientists are slowly warming (heh) to the idea that carbon dioxide is not the evil purveyor of global warming they thought it was, I hope this silly business will go the way of the dinosaur.


    Wait! I could have phrased that better….

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