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  • #4523
    Julio Rojas

    Hey there
    I’m from New Zealand and today we put in a white stonex top. we had one problem which i’m hoping there will be some help.
    In the bottom of our work container there was a red polyester pigment which had leaked.    The top ended up with a bit of it on it and now has a stain where the pigment has sort of got into the stones and pores. We are hoping the owner does’nt see it but once you know its there you know its there.  In the event the owner sees it and calls is there anything that will get rid of it. Also we can’t really sand it back as it come prefinished on top so there is no sanding. Any ideas

    Bill Wolle

    My best try would be to mix a poultice with a solvent for the dye and some powder. Let this sit on the stained area for awhile and see if it helps. For better info on using poultices, see the stone threads and help.

    Brian Stone

    I haven’t worked with the product but it looks like an engineered stone to me.

    There are a number of things you could try:

    lacquer thinner
    denatured thinner
    3m Magic Eraser
    Goof Off
    Kenny’s Spot Remover

    You could also try a poultice. Mix whatever cleaner you think works best with Comet or demetrius earth (the stuff in pool filters.) Mix it to about a peanut butter consistency. Put it on the stain, cover it with plastic, and tape down the edges. Leave it for 24 hours and then clean it off with soap and water.

    Having never worked with this product it may be wise to try on a test piece first.


    cool thanks yes its a engerneered stone,

    Brian Stone

    Sorry, the second item on the list should be denatured alcohol.

    Lee Weil

    would the poultice stuff up the finish on the quartz top as its prefinished and we would not be able to polish it back up


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