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    Tom M
    …this morning. He offered to set up and do a field maesure with me in the near future and I’m taking him up on it. I have to say this guy believes in his system. I was wondering why there hasn’t been a showdown – from template to cut – anywhere between these template guys.

    Is this something that FabNet can do? Find a job (maybe one of our own houses, so we won’t disturb customers with three or four different guys templating) and have these guys all template it and process it?

    Call it “The measure in the desert”, or the “trace race”, or “fight for the fit” or something?



    The last show I attended, I looked at several demonstrations from most of them. What I found, they were all great. I think it all boils down to how easy they are to learn, and followup after the sale is the key here.

    Andy Graves

    That would be interesting to time them all to see how fast their best guy could go from temp to CNC ready.

    Shane Barker

    Let me find a holster for my hot melt gut and I’ll be there.



    Tom M………Photo-Top works………..Been using it for about 4 years now…..we hired a girl from a video store to do the templates… 3 days of training…she can get 4 or 5 jobs done a day

    Tom M
    Does anybody even know anybody who has the Faro arm?


    We have been using ETemplate for about 2 years now. Works GREAT!! Each of the different systems has +s and -s. Go to and do a search on digital templating. There have been LOTS of posts on this subject. Lots of guys using the LT-55 over there.

    Hold tight. I think we (Stone Fabricators Alliance) are trying to put together a competition at the next Stone Expo down in Atlanta.


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