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  • #5275
    Matt Kraft

    I’ve got a conference table to make and I’m having some issues getting the text I need to inlay.

    The only way I’ve ever done text is to load it into Corel Draw, Convert to Curves, and export the dxf and begin the long process of cleaning up the image to prepare it for cutting.

    I can’t load the proper font (even though customer says he got it from Word).  When he sends me a .doc to load, my Corel keeps changing the font.  To further complicate, my Word doesn’t have the font, and attempts to go get it on the web have proven unfruitful.

    I’m officially befuddled.  If anyone wants to lend a hand with some file manipulation, sure seems like it could be done in 2 minutes, yet I still can’t get it done.

    Appreciate any expertise anyone could lend.

    Matt Kraft
    Custom Marble Inc.
    Millstadt IL

    Andy Graves

    Your computer must have the font in the computer. If you don’t the person sending the file must either eimbed fonts within the file or he must convert to curves.

    Convert to curves is the best because it transforms the text into line drawings and it is not even seen by the computer as text so the font is not needed.

    This is and issue with the sender, not the receiver of the document. Doing a graphic layout with word is not the correct program and will cause you fits getting correct.

    I hope that helps. You can send me the file if you like and I will try to open with Adobe Illustrator and convert to curves for you. Then export as a dxf and you should be ready to apply tool paths.

    Tom M

    Matt, have you tried the font in your CAD program?
    I just went through my latest Corel Draw (version 12) and did not see anything particular about importing fonts. I know Corel 9 used to have a function for that.

    What is the name of the font?

    Matt Kraft

    Hey guys, the font is AR Blanca. Customer said its in Word 2010, I can’t seem to reproduce it. I have a scan that he sent me to verify what I’m getting.

    Andy Graves

    You can load fonts into windows and then all the programs will pull from those fonts.

    Tom M

    Sorry, Matt.
    I don’t have it.

    Andy Graves


    Lots of free fonts that load right in to your set of fonts. Some you must pay.

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