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  • #1686
    Linda Graves

    When a customer ask how often to seal granite, what is your answer? Is the water absorption test a good way to determine if the countertop needs to be resealed?



    If it still sheds water then leave it alone.

    If it starts taking on water then it needs attention.

    Some of the better grade impregnators see a 5 year+ before needing any attention.

    Black stones may never need anything but a good cleaning…

    Adam Moody

    Marketing drivel, five year +

    If you don’t clean it or sanitize it, or use their “cleaner” which contains sealer…. on a continual basis. Guess what? If you don’t stop sealing it it the sealer lasts a long time.

    Seal it before it stains, reseal before the sealer degrades to the point it stains. Your guess is as good as mine.

    Read the fine print at MIA care and cleaning, any countertop used an maintained under those rules will remain stain free.

    Same with the quartz care and cleaning info…

    Jon Olson
    I,ve got a question. So a consumer buys a nice granite top. Is told to seal the top some time in the next 5 years. Before the next 5 years they move on . The next person doesn’t flow that suggestion . What happens? Are we going to see allot of granite tops that are poorly maintained very soon? Can they be restored? Will this give the granire industyr a black eye?

    Kregg Lea

    Ahh, Yes, Yes & Yes Jon, IMO.

    Here’s the deal from a guy who sells sealers. I’ve always said choice is good but when it comes to sealers, the choices are overwhelming, from a user standpoint as well as a distributors. There are many, many 1 year sealers. Re-do after a year depending on the consumers use of the tops. These products are usually inexpensive. There are expensive sealers out there with 5-15 year manufactures claims. Some are right on, others are just a cash cow. Which to use? Which to buy? Which are proven? Without typing a 40,000 word dissertation on this subject, let me just say that if you’re offering your your customers the cheapest sealer you can get your hands on, it’s going to come back to bite you. Hell, I see so many stone fabbers that have sealing the tops as the last thing on their minds. Get paid…get out.

    If anyone wants to talk about what we think works or doesn’t, call me. It’s way to detailed for this one finger typer to post in an understanding manner.



    I always wondered this in time statements,wouldn’t the sealer last longer if the owners had no high traffic, like some of these snowbirds down here in florida who do not use their Kitchens as opposed to the little ole lady who live in a shoe with 13 kids and jumped and spilled on countetops…….blah,blah, youse know the rest of the fairytale?


    Thats why the basic water absorbtion test is probably the best.

    John Moulton

    So to prevent staining, you test before using a countertop, every day? Or do you test after sitting a hot pot down on the surface? Or after cleaning it?

    Tad Lane

    You need a good woman to know those things…

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