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  • #5410

    My grandkids (my son’s children) are avid board game players.  A common problem arrises when we play however.  Who is going to go first.

    Last year as a small family gift I made them a set of dice with names on each face or roll again.  Whoever comes up on the dice gets to go first.  Snce this is one step away from actually playing the game it hasn’t seemed to matter who rolled these dice first.

    Dice number 1:  Avery, Spencer, Mom, Dad, Rara (grandma), Papa John (Grandpa).

    Dice number 2:  Mom, Dad, Avery, Spencer, Roll again, Roll again.

    Dice number three:  Avery, Spencer, Mom, Dad, Grampa (Grandpa Tom), Roll again.

    They are about 2 cm across.

    the kids love them.

    Sorry, I didn’t show every face.

    Johnny C

    Jon Olson

    very nice!

    Tom M

    John, you are an idea man, and it shows in almost every post. I have bookmarked more of yours and Seth’s posts than I think anyone else on FabNet.


    good idea! I think when I have some time I will make some for my house and load them to favor me, should not be too hard.

    Seth Emery

    Nice job, John – very creative and detailed. Thanks, Tom, I gain a lot of knowledge from your posts also.

    Andy Graves

    As the family grows you will have to add dice to the mix. Better hopes no one gets kicked out of the family.

    Great idea John.

    David Gerard

    not to be overly dramatic but…THOSE ARE SO COOL!   You are very clever!

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