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  • #2470

    Private message me please. That is not me on G-W, but Christina has picked up the ball. She used her real name as her screen name.

    The Rice professor is legit, thanks for realizing that.

    Consumers don’t know how lucky they are that this guy is intreiged with this. Fabricators by the thousands might live to see their grandchildren in college because of this guy.

    By the way, you have completely redemmed yourself in my eyes by your treatment of this topic.

    Proud to know you dude.

    Now, how about you lobbying to get me back on G-W so I can add to the discussion. You must admit that it was a travesty in hindsight that I was banned for trying to get the issue in the public eye.

    And you have no idea on how much else is behind this news story. It would knock your socks off if you think what the Rice professor had to say was important.

    Randy Evans

    In the unlikely event that anyone is interested in this….I’m a homeowner who remodeled his kitchen recently. In doing my research for that, I became aware of some of the disputes about the different kinds of products now available for counters. I’ve been intrigued (sometimes more, sometimes less) by the “countertop wars” for about a year now, and have participated in some of the online discussions.

    Somebody should write a book. You guys are wild.

    Jon Olson
    Revans. Thanks for the input. Are you a ravens fan?

    Randy Evans

    Nope, just a coincidence. My name is Randy Evans, and I use revans1 a lot in different places just so it’ll be easy to remember.

    FWIW, I am an Auburn Tiger fan, though. My signature reflects how many days since the hated Alabama Crimson Tide won the Iron Bowl.


    You guys should notify people when you delete their posts… kinda against the grain of free speech! (Which has been claimed by many here)

    If you continue to censor my posts than I just may start referring to you as ^%@!

    Jon Olson
    Hey Kevin. i have to disagree with you. Have you ever had to moderate a forum? it’s a tough job. Andy is a one man show. I cant see how he would have the time to e-mail everyone a courtesy e-mail. Its the lay of the land.

    Every forum in America has post’s deleted including the Stone advice place. Sorry but its the way it is.

    Yeah, one that looks like is going to get a lot tougher if we all start acting like we are in high school again.

    Tom M

    Commie glue huffers!?!
    I resent that!

    I’m no commie.

    Randy Evans

    I can help here, I think. I pondered the deleted post for a while, because I couldn’t figure out if it was referring to me or not. This may not be absolutely verbatim, but it’s close:

    “The joke is on you, Al. He is a sock puppet.”

    Sometimes free speech is worth exactly what you pay for it.

    David Gerard
    Posted By Kevin Noel on 05/15/2008 9:26 AM

    You guys should notify people when you delete their posts… kinda against the grain of free speech! (Which has been claimed by many here)

    If you continue to censor my posts than I just may start referring to you as commie glue huffers!

    Offer that suggetion to B. Briggs please. Well, he removed yours too there . Are you ok with that ?

    Posted By David Gerard on 05/15/2008 12:26 PM

    Posted By Kevin Noel on 05/15/2008 9:26 AM

    You guys should notify people when you delete their posts… kinda against the grain of free speech! (Which has been claimed by many here)

    If you continue to censor my posts than I just may start referring to you as commie glue huffers!

    Offer that suggetion to B. Briggs please. Well, he removed yours too there . Are you ok with that ?

    Yea that Commie Briggs let me know he wasn’t going to put up with your crap or mine!

    Andy Graves
    Posted By Kevin Noel on 05/15/2008 9:26 AM

    You guys should notify people when you delete their posts… kinda against the grain of free speech! (Which has been claimed by many here)

    If you continue to censor my posts than I just may start referring to you as !

    Please read the rules of the forum. If you violate the rules, your post will be deleted or edited. Now you have been notified.

    Second, the FabNet do not abide by any free speech laws. The rules are here to make for a place for all, not a place for a few.

    You are more than welcome to start your own forum and say whatever you like, otherwise please respect the rules of the FabNet Forum.

    You should also be aware of the “Alert” icon toward the top, right of every post. It is there to have a community effort to moderate those that get out of line. If you find a post that violate the rules, please do not hesitate to click on the icon.

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