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  • #687
    Andy Graves

    How much material do leave when “onion skining” parts on the CNC? I do about .004 . Has anyone had any success going less than that?

    Seth Emery

    Geez Andy. I think .004″ sounds great. We leave .030″.


    .003 here Andy

    Shane Barker

    .020, and we don’t have any problems with this amount. If we are cutting something really small I may go more and then do a second pass.


    Andy Graves

    It will stay attached at .004 but you have to sand the remaining off. I will try the .003 and see if it will just fall off.


    i just use a trim router with a lamitate straight bit , just flip the part over ,poke thru, your good to go

    Shane Barker

    The thickness of our MDF spoil board changes too much from the weather to cut it that close. We have a routine of flush trimming the excess that works pretty well.


    Andy Graves

    I just cut a top today and set it to .004 and it worked very will. I did set the surface of the mdf spoilboard before I cut. Then all I had to do was lightly sand the edges and it was perfect.

    Shane Barker

    If we were to touch off the spoil board just before cutting I could see the .004 working but we usually only touch off when we change tools. It is amazing how much our spoil board changes in thickness from the weather.



    getting ready to buy a cnc…. hmmm… what is onion skinning anyway. I think you are saying you dont go all the way through the material but not sur.

    Shane Barker

    That’s exactly right Travis, by not cutting through you don’t breach the vacuum and the parts are still connected and stay in place better. All this is done by leaving a thin skin of the material otherwise known as an onion skin.


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