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  • #5488

    All,  since the Fabnet has just received a breath of fresh air, and thinking about Jon Olsons call to get back on track.. I had these thoughts, or ideas. Let us know what you think. 

    I was thinking about a “quick tip video” section where fabricators could offer a short video clip of something they have learned over the years. Since most of us have smart phones, a video should be easy to send to Andy. 
    How about a true members only section where you have to have a visable name and email address showing and have to pay/And or  have a business to belong. 
    Those are just a couple of thoughts, I hope everyone can have some other ideas. 
    Just my 2 cents
    Len Smith

    How about a thread where we post a picture of our latest project? Any fabricator could snap a pic of what they are currently working on. I think I’ll start one just to see if anyone wants to participate. I’ll call it “What Are You working On?”

    Linda Graves

    Great Idea Len.  I see it is already working.

    Andy Graves

    I will look into the email with visible name thing. Sometimes it is not as easy as it seems.

    I like the Latest Project page. Maybe we could pin the topic so it stays in front of us all.


    I just posted an update to the LG Bergamo thread I started.  I got to thinking maybe it would be nice if we had a subject called “colors” with a thread for each mfg.  It is so difficult to give a customer an Idea of what some of the colors look like in a bigger piece.  Particularly the veined colors.  Corian does a pretty nice job on their web site  
    representing what their “Private collection” colors will look like in various views. 
    If we had a place where we could post photos of various colors as we run across them it might be a nice resource.
    Here is my first contribution:
    LG Hi-Macs, Marmo-Bergamo
    Two separate sheets.
    Just a thought.
    Johnny C
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