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  • #401
    Andy Graves

    The new Internet Explorer is out and is pretty cool. It has Tab browsing and a built in google bar. Check it out.

    John Murphy

    And for some reason puts more crap on my PC’s than anything else. My IT guy says styay away from it!

    Mory Ludwick


    You must not have gotten the Omaha, Nebraska version. I downloaded it and seems to be working fine. I like some of the features, they are pretty nice. The only thing I don’t like is that you get used to where everything is at and they go and change it. So I supposed I’ll let my 7 year old play with it for a few hours and he can tell me where everything is at. Old dogs still learning new tricks. The last two browsers they have come out with they say the same thing, stay away from them. Just make sure you click the buttons that you don’t want all the extra stuff when you fill out the form.


    Tom M
    Does anyone know how it compares with firefox?



    Mory, I was referring to the last versions. I’m firmly convinced they create mung in any version so as to keep computer repair dude busy. Quite frankly, I think it’s all a perpetual scam.

    Andy Graves

    They have a feature called clear text. It makes viewing the internet really nice. TABS are awsome. Firefox has the same features except for the clear text feature.

    Rob Parker

    Personally I like the Advanced Browser myself but its a pretty good version of IE. As with most Ms stuff its has its crashes. If its security your worrying about…use a Mac since most of the virus and bullcrap is written for Windows based pc apps.

    Amir Azami

    Just be aware that some applications don’t like to get along with IE7 much such as my security Gateway. I have to use the old explorer to made config changes.

    Amir Azami

    Andy, I have no edit. should have been “such as”

    Andy Graves

    Do you ever use Firefox for those type of changes to your security gateway.

    Shane Barker

    I love the new explorer, I am getting spoiled with the tabs and I have been using it for about three weeks now and have had no problems.


    Amir Azami

    Yup I use Firefox on my system with IE7 installed to cover the things I can’t do.

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