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  • #2757
    Adam Nelson

    I know that there are a ton of “green materials” out there but have not seen a list of materials that are geared specifically geared towards this market.  I have been doing things in terms of reducing waste around the shop but currently only offer vetrazzo as a specifically green materials.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Linda Graves


    If you go to the “green zone” tab at the top and scroll down, you will see a list of the green countertops products and a brief description.
    Hope that is what you are looking for.

    Andy Graves

    Check the list and you can link directly to their site and read the information.

    Adam Nelson

    I never saw that tab up there before….

    As usual you guys are right on top of it!!! Thanks

    Brian Briggs

    Why isn’t Dupont Corian listed?

    Andy Graves
    Posted By Brian Briggs on 10/09/2008 8:07 PM
    Why isn’t Dupont Corian listed?

    It probably should be.  At the time the list was created, I am not suer what products had that fit the list.

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