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  • #2185

    What are your guys thoughts on this? I have a lot of customers ask if we can just put new laminate right on top of the existing laminate. Do you do it and if so how sucessful is it long term for you?


    Jon Olson
    I always tell customers yea I can do that. But it’s cheaper for you to make you a new top.

    Tom M

    Look at the labor you’ll need for prepping the existing surface. You have to first make sure that the original layer is tight everywhere, with little or no water damage. You’ll likely be pulling off the edge and re-edging anyways.

    Outside of glue, the wood is the least expensive part of the top. We’ll consider it if there are other factors, such as a hutch that sits and is fastened to the lower unit with the top painted, glued, and nailed in. It is very rare when a relam is worth the small savings they might see.


    If you laminate over an existing top than the customer will hold you responsible for the condition of the existing substrate.

    Tom M

    I need to add that the only way to get a good bond to the other laminate is to belt sand with at least a 40 grit belt. Everywhere. How much time do you think that will take versus tearing out and replacing the substrate?


    Yep got the point. That is pretty much what I always tell them cheaper easier and overall less mess to just do all new.

    I tend to worry more about delam problems later even with belt sanding. Should I be that concerned if I to do the relam?

    Fred Atwood

    We have done lam over lam when there has been a really good reason for not pulling out the old top. I just make sure the customer knows it is not the BEST way to do it and make it very clear there is NO warranty. We do belt sand first and sometimes use a cuple dabs of superglue on tight radius corners and such. We also charge more for this service than we would just to make a new top with removal and install. It always makes me a bit nervous, but so far we have not had any unhappy customers…well at least none that I know of.

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