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  • #3538
    Russ Lee

    Hi All,

    It seems I find myself using the Resources section of FabNet on a fairly regular basis in my work. Thanks, Andy, for making such a valuable tool available to all of us in the industry.

    On another topic, from my conversations with people across the country, it seems that fabricators are starting to get more work. How is it in your business?

    Best to all,



    Posted By Russ Lee on 05 Apr 2009 04:55 PM
    Hi All,

    It seems I find myself using the Resources section of FabNet on a fairly regular basis in my work. Thanks, Andy, for making such a valuable tool available to all of us in the industry.

    On another topic, from my conversations with people across the country, it seems that fabricators are starting to get more work. How is it in your business?

    Best to all,



    Good to hear from you. To answer your question, I just made an appointment with these customers after making them wait a month or so. Since I cut back to working two days a week, my grades are improving and so is my bottom line. I’m making a referral from my wife’s workplace wait until school’s out at the end of the month and he’s cool with it.

    I can’t do a lot of work and get good grades, I’m just not that smart. I raised my rates to be able to serve two masters. Oops, make that three masters, I forgot about the wife.


    Andy Graves

    Hey Russ,

    The fabricators that are still in business are getting more work, especially from the companies that are looking for a new countertop company.

    Jon Olson
    Hey Russ ! Yes work seems to be picking up.
    Gordon Shell


    It seems like the East coast seems to be picking up,  during my recent trips to NY, MA, ME, and PA, I have heard guys say that they have just started to see a recent upswing in biz, Michigan is still a tough place to be, but I have heard some very positive feedback from some guys on the westside of the state. We just did the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Wood Working show, it was very busy, and we saw alot of folks looking at large machinery purchases, for the first time in a long time.
    The pics above show the crowd at the show, There were 200 vendor booths, and about 2500 guests, hope that the Surface fab show will eventually get back to this level.

    Russ Lee

    It seems like we might be headed for one of those bittersweet mini-recoveries. I talked with someone today who has been suffering for several months. Business is picking up but now he is in a cash crunch because his suppliers don’t want to extend any more credit for materials. So, there’s all this great work coming in the door and he’s scrambling to find a way to buy materials.

    Wouldn’t this be a great time for the banks to loosen up a little?

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