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  • #5774
    Lenny E


    I got the sad news over here at lunchtime watching the Pearl English channel out of Hong Kong, that Mr. McFlap ears won the election. I thought that was a classy move by Romney on his congratulation of Obama on the win. I can’t say I liked Romney, even though I voted for him, but that guy has real class.

    I was looking forward to my triumphant return to US next year and retiring. 
    The party Congress is this month in China. They will push Moderates and some ole commie hardline general, but basically from what I see they are leaning toward slow moderation.
    I’m going to hang in China for another 4 years. In 4 years China  will be less commie than the US. You heard it here first on Fabnet. We are going the way of Greece. Stock up on food , guns and ammo.
    Anyone who wants to hang over here and avoid the coming fiscal meltdown Tsunami..give me a holler!
    Congrats Obama, and the media who sucked your jam! Well played!
    The win, that’s a two edged sword that cuts both ways. Obama and the media own whatever comes next! And, mark my words, it will not be good! 
    Andy Graves

    My biggest fear is inflation which will make my retirement account useless.

    I’m really surprised how people vote and reelect the same crap year after year.

    Funny thing I heard, Osama Bin Laden won when he attacked this country over ten years ago. We have still not recovered from his terrorist attack on the twin towers and Pentagon.


    Your correct Andy…there has been no “recovery” and now, it’s going to get much much worse. Europe, including Germany, is already in recession. Germany just stunned the market with a 3.3% decline in mfg for Sept. Our unemployment will go from the current 11% to over 20%, inflation will at some point rear it’s very ugly head. I say by this time next year we will be in a recession, and inflation will either be here, or be starting.
    Already you are having a hard time finding a Dr, and under Obamacare it’s only going to get worse. Two Dr’s I know personally, have already said they plan on getting out of the profession. At the very least, be a private Dr with a subscriber base, take no insurance etc. The VA here is on a minimum 6 month backlog to see a dr…due to the increase in vets needing help.
    Buy food, it’s not going to be cheaper in the future, and precious metals.. Gold Silver and lead to protect the other two

    I wonder how much SS will cost under his ‘carbon tax” which today they are talking about, on all carbon based products. Gas will be much much higher, electric will, as he has admitted sky rocket under his plan.

    Lets face it, we’re all screwed…glad im the age I am..i feel for all you “youngins’ that have to try to make a living and raise a family in this mess. May God help us…

    Tom M

    I keep hearing about Obama owning the economy now and I shake my head. He got away with Benghazi, the economy, security leaks, agents (and Seal Team Six) outing, choosing to ignore laws he doesn’t deem worthy of prosecuting, unilaterally changing immigration laws, stripping the religious protection from the first amendment and ramming through the health care act that almost no one who would be paying for it wanted.

    He did this with the complicit behavior of a media who would have crucified any Republican or dare I say it, even Democratic candidate without an ‘Obama’ in his name. They would have been right to do so. I have never in my life seen a President get away with what this guy got away with. The media shape public perception. If they make a big deal about something (say, Valerie Plame, or Abu Graib) and hammer at it 24/7, the public perceives it as a big deal. The upshot here is, if the media does not want to pin this on Obama, they won’t. They will point out how the Republican Congress is stonewalling his efforts and that will be that.

    They have fully realized that they are a major player in the process. All they need to do is hold the politicians they like to a different standard. Does anyone really think they won’t do this again?

    The other lesson learned is that Democrats are much smarter than Republicans. They understood early that votes can be bought and have wholeheartedly embraced that concept. The future is in serious trouble right now. If the dollar collapses, I think Lenny’s safe haven in China may collapse as well. The US will sneeze and the world will catch a cold. The supreme court may now shift leftward and the strict interpretation of the constitution will now become a liberal interpretation of what it “should” mean. The piece of paper that all politicians swear to uphold and protect will now be little more than an old document. It will go the way of the Magna Charta. If you don’t think that will be a big deal, think again.

    I’m sorry for the rant. I will conclude with this: the institution that the first amendment was designed to protect has allowed the other institution it was designed to protect to lose standing. Why they don’t think this might bite them as well is beyond me.

    The media has basically demonstrated they do not take the responsibility that comes with constitutional protect seriously. They may well not be worthy of that protection.

    Andy Graves

    Funny thing, I must be living in a bubble cause I don’t know many that voted for Obama.

    The new normal has created a state of being that everyone is looking for a handout. The believe without the government, there is no way to succeed. Sad, very sad.


    Interesting fact, in Law school the spend almost no time discussing the constitution, rather they spend most of the time discussing case law..something that “progresses” over time. Today we are so far away from much of the constitution it’s scarey. First and foremost, the constitution calls for a weak central government and strong state governments. This was purposely put in place to prevent exactly what has happened. A small group of people, some elected some not, controlling what the country as a whole will do. Our founding fathers saw a country where, if you didn’t like how your state was being run, you could move to another state for change.

    The contitution gave ONLY certain responsibilites to the federal government, ALL others were exclusive to the states. 99% of what the federal government does is Unconstitutional. Slowly by case law, the progressives have written the constitution out of our government. Obummer is just more overt about it than say, a McCain would of been. There are progressives in both parties, who are more interested in their own power then they are in the country.

    I pray for my children and grandchildren, we have really screwed them, and, the world at large. American IS the last hope for man’s freedom, there is no where else to go once we go down. And they did it by buying votes, putting people on the dole and keeping them enslaved. I for one, will not give up my freedoms, I am willing to give up my life, but not my freedom.

    I saw a poll today that said, 35% of the folks would be willing to endure body cavity searchs in order to fly….. those are some sick folks. This is the old “boiling frog syndrom” slowly we “progress” to where were willing to give up anything. I for one think freedoms are worth fighting, and dieing for.

    I pray some in our government still care, and will fight for the republic. I’ve been in war and last thing I want is another civil war. Can talk of sussession be far away? Texas has the right when they were added to the country.. would others follow ? God help us..

    Andy Graves

    If Texas succeeded from the Union, I would move there in an instant.


    I have a feeling there would be a line to get in Andy..I’d be just ahead of you ( closer to start with ! ) .. did you see, the Obummer admin put in place over 6,000 NEW regulations in the last 90 days…we all knew it was coming, and this is just the start. Most of those that voted for him are totally ignorant of what he has, and is, doing. Don’t know about anyone else, but I really can’t stand to even hear his voice, let alone his lies. God help us……were so screwed…

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