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  • #5764
    Lenny E

    Happy Samhain (Halloween),

    It’s my Favorite holiday. It’s an old Pagan holiday. They had 2 solstice and 2 equinox holidays (based on length of day) and then 4 others (1 in the middle of each equinox/solstice).
    Samhain ( which has survived into the 21st Century as Halloween), Candlemas, Beltane or Walpurgis Night (which lives on in modern times as May Day) and Lammas.
    I dressed up as an old , fat , tired , overworked consultant for Halloween and celebrated by going to work.  (Easy costume choice for me). No one gave me any candy. (It’s China)
    What did you guys go as? 

    Happy Halloween to youse guys…The Hills have eyes..what a freak this dude was…i was pulling on his face and thought that was a mask…NOPE!!! dat dude looks like that

    Chris Yaughn

    lots of old pagan holidays to go around, aye?

    Andy Graves

    Happy Halloween. I only ate 20 pieces of candy.

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