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  • #1370
    John Repac

    I went out to put some hardware on a job we finished a few months back, backordered hardware from the homeowner. The countertops went to the lowest bidder, so no suprise when I went into the laundry room and found the front rail of the cabinet hanging in shreds. The guy put in a sink that was so big that they had to remove the false front, which was missing. They routered through the front of the front rail in the process and just left it hanging down the front of the cabinet. You would have thought they would have yanked it off and hid it or something.

    Then they tried to put a preformed laminate top in another bath, instead of building it up so it set above the drawer fronts, they took a skill saw and ripped off half of the front edge of the countertop.. Rough as a cob.

    These folks splurged on the cabinets, then must have ran out of money to finish the house. Went cheap and it shows. I’ll get some pics next time I go out.

    Norm Walters

    Al, sounds like some good pics to keep in your shop for prospective customers, with a tag line that reads ” you get what you pay for”.

    I’m pretty sure it’s not defamation when it’s true, good question for a lawyer, whether you could put a name to the pics also.

    Len Smith

    It’s amazing what you see sometimes. We got a call from a housing management company to repair a countertop that “someone else had already repaired, but the repair failed.” I went to the home, only to find out that the management company didn’t know who to call to repair a small crack, so they called a bathtub refinishing company, who tried to coat the countertops like a bathtub. Amazing.



    I would love to see a picture of that if you have one. talk about funny

    Fred Atwood


    I’d like to use those pics on the web site I am building if you don’t mind.

    Andy Graves


    Did the coating stick to the solid surface?

    Len Smith

    Hi Andy,

    The coating only stuck until there was an impact or a scratch, then it looked 10x more awful than the initial problem.

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