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  • #2565
    Linda Graves

    It looks like Hollywood is determined to make sure everyone is green. Planet Green Discovery launchs tonight click here.

    Now for my political statement. It has always amazed my how Hollywood claims all of the garbage they put out is “just entertainment” and does not influence the behavior of anyone.. Then why do they think they can change the world with the soft sell shows about the environment?


    Lenny E

    Hi Linda,

    Its not just entertainment. It influences a great many people. Many years ago, an actor unbuttonned his shirt on the silver screen and had no undershirt on. (Was that Clark Gable?, I forget). Anyway, undershirt sales dropped dramaticly. Go figure?

    Then you have guys like Clint Eastwood (my hero) and Arnold who used fame from Holllywood to catapult them to political careers.

    And lets not forget the Bush adminstration who abused the media to get us into iraq.

    Media (newspapers, TV, and Movies) are a powerful thing. Bush understands it. Hitler understood it too. He took that country on a journey into insanity thru radio and the press. Collective brainwashing thru media.

    For another example , do you remember when Nixon ran against J F Kennedy? A televised debate. Nixon wouldnt wear makeup because he thought it was kinda gay and unmanly.

    Kennedy hired hollywood consultants. He wore the makeup. Result, Nixon looked a zombie vampire corpse on TV, and Kennedy, who looked like a living human being, won the election.

    Thats my take in a nutshell.


    Tom M

    Actually, if I remember my history correct, Nixon and Kennedy both eschewed the make up first, but Kennedy, with the benefit of better media advisers ended up going for it at the last minute. I’ve seen the debate, and it looked like Nixon won on points.

    I suppose that was official beginning of “Style over Substance”.

    Linda, I agree with your assessment. I have to say though, between HGTV, the Weather Channel, and all the other cable shows, Green TV has been around for quite awhile.

    David Gerard

    IMO Hollywood should be the last industry trying to lead the green movment. The amount of waste that industy generates not to mention pollution from action films such as explosions and herendous fires. When we were working in Hawaii a few years ago K. Costner was filming Water world. He was sucking up so much lumber to blow up and burn. We bought from the same lumber supplier and it was very difficult to get what we needed. All that material went to waste. Celeberties needing a cause in their life

    Randy Evans

    People who watched the Nixon/Kennedy debate on TV thought Kennedy won, by a significant margin. Those listening on the radio thought Nixon won. Had that matchup occurred 4 (or certainly 8) years earlier, the election outcome would have probably been different.

    Andy Graves

    I actually like the green channel. It always amazes me what they can do with old items. Remember when they would tell you how bad old Refrigerators are for the environment when thrown away. I just saw a show on how they recycle the entire unit.

    I thought they were just stuck in the landfill.

    They also do some amazing things with old carpet and glass bottles.

    David Gerard

    Those old refers make great smokers for fish and jerky.

    (no need to hit on the buzz words)

    Chad Pitcher

    yeh Dave they do work great for a smoker

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