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  • #2178
    Andy Graves

    I know we discussed this before, but do think a green section be valuable? Either on the forum or a dedicated page we could list products and where to puchase.

    We could also discuss the real “greenness” of each product.

    Tom M

    Yes, absolutely.
    The only problem will be greeniacs insisting that no discussion of the silliness of the whole concept, or the effectiveness of the process are out of bounds. Kind of like the Global Warmists that insist that debate should be closed.

    But it’s where it’s all headed, and keeping info together for browsing beats having to use the frickin’ search engines.

    I just got my email from JLC (Journal of Light Construction) a particularly good trade mag for builders. They are having a conference expo in R.I. next month, and green will be a hot topic there. Green has been a topic for several years at KBiS, etc.

    I love Swanstone. They have gotten their green guard cert. for years, and are only now starting to market it.


    Every solid surface, and almost all other surface materials (laminate etc) that have applied for GreenGuard are “Certified”. Swanstone is not unique in this respect.

    I do think it would be a good idea Andy. The real problem is sorting out what is real and what isn’t real, and which companies are “real companies”. So many “green” products are “garage” shops, most won’t make it in the long run, a few will. We are going throught this search process presently.

    Norm Walters

    I visited Gene’s shop yesterday and the dude knows quite a bit about green, I’m sure he would add alot of input to that section.

    Mr. Green Gene, anyone remember capt. kangaroo? showing my age now.


    Thankx Norm for the Green compliments…Yes I remember captain Kangaroo…But I like the Cisco kid from wonderama better…….yeah da greenies are calling me green gene now…..whats going on?? I still dont know what i want to be when I grow up……..

    I think it is truly hard to determine what is actually green……you think we had problems with other comparrison charts……..there are 16 Green countertop choices and brands out there………the only ones I think we should post up here are the ones with third party certification……greengaurd is ok..but its just for certified Air quality…the 3 party certification protect us from have to investigate and be labeled a Green washer………..anyway we can start posting up the the specifications for LEED, NAHB new Green Specifications, and state certifications…here in Florida we also have the Florida Green Building Coalition

    We as fabricators dont hafta go green to be successful…but think about it…do you see any other freight train in the market moving??????????

    LEED or be left behind



    Last time I visited Gene’s shop he did lookBut you are right about him being the Green Dude. He promotes green the way Al promotes issues with stone. Would be educating for all who read.

    Andy Graves

    I will put something together and have you guys add to the mix. Mayba a comparison chart for the various materials would be usefull.

    Let’s see how it goes.

    Thanks for the input.

    Tom M

    I love Swanstone.

    Now, I was being a bit sarcastic when I typed that. I don’t want all y’all thinking I’m funny with countertops, or nothin’.


    Ahh come on Tom I heard you were caught in the back room staring lovinly at the samples.

    Tom M

    Its the finish. The finish I tells ya.

    Gordon Doull

    It’s the tensile strength that gets me going.

    It can take a good pounding and still keep from going to pieces.

    Oh……which line to use next………such an assortment……

    Bob Pflipsen

    An awesome geen building. Architects please take note.

    Tom M

    The mold grows that fast out there?

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