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  • #609
    Tom M
    Can anyone confirm that:
    a) DuPont purchased stone tech, and
    b) they are using a DuPont modified version of their sealer for these uberstone tops?

    Dave, is stone tech the makers of that super-duper sealant you sell?

    Also, if anyone has sold any jobs enough to have formed an opinion on this material?

    Thanks, in advance.



    Tom, I have no idea who Dupont bought but they do not make our high end sealer.

    These folks do:

    Tom M
    Holy crap!
    They make a few different kinds, don’t they?
    Which one is the ulti-seal for countertops?



    Tom, you would use Dry Treats Stain Proof sealer and if you really want the ultimate shield on that stone, you would follow that up with a coat of Enhance Plus.

    Here’s the skinny: You can buy $50.00+ per gallon sealers anywhere. We even sell one made by K-Bond called TSI100. But, after a year of use on those tops, you’re going to need to re-seal. Or your customer will call you back after 3 months because they had a party and there are stains on those tops.

    With Dry Treat, it is a 15 year barrier. Never thought we’d have a market for $199.00 per gallon sealer. Dry Treat said let us put it in your showroom, if it does not sell we’ll take it back. We put out a flyer, and we were wiped out on 30 gallons in 2 weeks. That was a year ago and we continue to get lots of business.

    I have an outdoor kitchen. All Stainless steel and coated aluminum…EXCEPT for those 4 pieces of granite, 2’x3′ that are the kitchen area. I don’t always cover the thing as I’m like most, I forget or I’m just to lazy to do it. I coated all 4 piece in Dry Treat. It’s rained on it numerous times. NO WATER STAINS. No stains from BBQed foods dripping grease on it. No Nothing.

    I use what I sell.

    Tom M
    Is that Dry-treat 100N, 40N, or 40 SK?
    Also, I can’t find a reference on the page for Enhance plus, but I’m retarded, so that might be me.

    Does the cleaner stuff come in gift-size inducements gifts for our customers?

    And can I real;ly tell my customwer that they can expect 15 years w/out resealing?

    I could charge enough extra for that as an upsell and make it work almost every time.


    Andy Graves

    I wouldn’t tell the customer it will last 15 years. Tell them 5 so that you have a lot of cushion just in case it does stain. Also make sure you put the guarantee is from the Dry-Treat people and not you. Otherwise they will hold you liable for a stain.

    We were thinking about sending a postcard to all of our past granite customers to remind them to reseal. Then offer to reseal for x amount, sell them a DIY package for X amount. This should put a little money in our pocket.

    Tom M
    Both good ideas. I like the one about the reminder, especially.
    Does your software let you ID which customers were the stone customers?


    Andy Graves

    Yes, you can ID customers in Moraware Jobtracker. You just go to reports and pull up only the information you want. Then you download an excel file with the name. After that you can print labels or whatever you want.

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