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    David Gerard

    Hi friends, I just found this and thought I would share it.  

    I was called by a friend to use my skiff for a photo shoot.  It was a shoot with one of our senators Mark Begich.  I said yes and invited my daughter Mady to be in the video with me.   I thought it would be good for her to see “the process”.  I have met him before and place music with his brother..we hit it off nicely.
    While I had him captive I brought up a topic of concern to me, “state income tax”.
    I was glad to hear him say he was in total agreement.  Here in Ak we enjoy no state income tax but on the other hand we let millions of dollars leave the state with non resident workers.  Our education system seems to suffer  heavily from lack of funding.       
      The idea is to tax all workers 2% and then raise the permanent dividend fund for residents to offset the new tax.
    This idea was proposed back in the 80s but was shot down yet some politicians made a move to raid the PFD chest.    
    We have 2 great senators at this time Mark Begich and lisa Murkowski.  Like any senator they will never make everyone happy but we feel they try.
    There is going to be some serious political battles coming here to us soon.
    The Reps are are going to be fighting to get Mark’s seat.
    It’s always a good time, Palin and Joe Miller (tea baggers) may fight it out then fight
    Mead Treadwell.
    Here is a video off Marks web site with Mady and I walking.  Its fun to see other familiar faces in the video and my town of Homer.
    We are also in a TV add.
    (how do you paste a short word in place of a long link?)

    With his voting record I would not be endorsing him myself.

    David Gerard

    Hi Wags,  I respect your opinion but I need to say I think he is fair and reasonable.   

    Pro women
    pro gun
    pro education
    enrolled in the public insurance program
    Stayed in DC during the shut down
    Pro ANWR development
    Pro Child development
    Pro military funding
    stay out of Iran
    get out of Iraq
    He did a great job as Mayor of Anch and defeated uncle Ted.  He seems to work well with Rep Murkowski and congressman young
    Not bad Id say
    I know he doesnt want to fund the fences at the border though,  I could see that bothering you since you live in a border state.
    Like I said, no politician will make everyone happy.  He talked quite a bit to my daughter about her interest and business in art.  He is also a well rounded man for growing up in isolation up her in AK and is self made.
    hope you like the video 
    David Gerard

    here is a little gift from the Koch bros

    Sadly the attractive actress has become a laughing stock round these parts.
    “im not a real Alaskan but I do play one on TV”
    The rebuttal is somewhere but I cant find it.
    Lenny E

    Posted By Wags on 27 Dec 2013 08:59 PM

    With his voting record I would not be endorsing him myself.


    My friend, I’m going to have to go with Wag’s on this one. He, like me,  is older than dirt
    I don’t much know or care about Alaska politics, I only care Texas!
    As for politicians, We have a saying in Texas…
    Kill them all, let God sort them out!
    Tom M

    I’ll give him this: He looks like he is listening to the people he is talking to. A lot of these types of ads you can tell the pol really doesn’t care.

    The camera likes Mady.

    If I can echo Wags a bit, I think how a politician personally feels about this or that is secondary to how they vote. The ones who vote for more government involvement are not doing us any favors. It always costs us more and always gives us less ability to live how we want to. When was the last time you saw fewer regulations and laws?

    Also – just as an example:” pro women”? Why? Why not be pro everyone with no one getting special privileges? What’s wrong with that?

    David Gerard

    Politics aren’t really my thing but I try to stay informed when it comes to ak.
    I go to the meet and greets if I can.
    The point was to show mady who they are and a facet of how they get out and talk issues.
    We can identify with mark. He like mady started his working life as an artist and did well at it.
    his wife owns some galleries and we hope to sell Mady’s cutting boards through her.
    It was a great experience for us both.


    Like Tom said…too many times pols’ say one thing, but vote a different way. Never understood “pro women”. does that mean he is for the killing of unborn children? I don’t see that as “pro” women but anti children. The child is the ONLY innocent party in an abortion. Pro military ? but he voted to cut benefits for retired military, saving 6 billion, while voting for foreign aid to the tune of 37 billion.

    Even McKook here in Az “said” the right things when he last run, but, he authored the bill allowing the President ( which he signed) the right to declare any citizen a “potential” terrorist and hold them FOREVER with no right to a lawyer, or trial and not even having to be charged with a crime. Completely doing away with the 4th amendment. Why would they need that ? And at the same time, they did away with the possie comitatus act, (sp) which now allows US military to be used against citizens.. It was outlawed after the civil war, but now…Obummer can declare an emergency and martial law, enforced by the US Military. He voted for that also.

    Sorry Murkowski is not someone I would vote for either.

    But I’m glad you enjoyed the process. We can agree to disagree.

    Tom M

    It was good experience for Mady, to be sure, and that alone is a good enough reason for you to participate.

    She also got to see how they make those ads with the camera on a different craft, but in the final cut it looks like the one boat.
    She got to see when a far shot is better than a close up, etc.

    Good stuff!

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