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  • #2161
    Jeff Vickers

    This one I will admit I did not read completly, but the conclusions stated that they found the Radon daughters accumulated in sections of the brain that were damaged. The authors aren’t coming out and saying 100 certain, but they are pretty empthatic that the Radon is causing the brain damage.

    David G, thet there Ray Dawn daugher is bein dirtay again. Get Bueford and his switch.

    Here is a graph showing where Bismuth 214 settles after a test subject inhaled Radon gas. Note that the majority of it is in the brain with some build up in the groin area. Bismith 214 is one of the progeny of the radioactive decay chain.

    Ray Dawn and Ray D. Oactive best not have young uns.

    Tom M

    Note that the majority of it is in the brain with some build up in the groin area.

    When I was younger, most of my brain was in my groin area. Some residual stuff could have been left behind. You never know. It could account for it.

    Just sayin’.


    Tubular intelligence….. hey, what ever works best will do fine.

    David Gerard

    This Ray Dawn fellers daughters are tha devils spawn and they need to be cleansed down by the river and feastin awn the lords prayer , then I recon they might have cause to leave this Al Zheimer feller alone. Dag nabbit Beauford! stop that or you’ll have to start wearin glasses! Sometimes I wonders where your brains is boy!

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