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  • #2420

    I just got my new display board with Formica’s new radiance series and color addition etc..

    Wow talk about something that has finally gotten me excited about something new in laminates. They said this radiance series was to answer Wilson Arts HD series, well got news for you it surpassed it in my opinion. Crap it looks alot more like a Quartz and even has that little bit of a glimmer that you get in some of the colors. Crap even the new finish on some of the wood grains to actually make it well appear like wood. Oh and if the new Santa Cecelia granite look well put it up to my sample and well ir could be just another slab. If they keep going this way we could get some answers to the “bad” granites and well in the hands of skilled people laminate seams can even look better that well granite itself. I feel they should try a few of the granites in the new radiance series like the Volga Blue, blue pearl and blue pearl silver.

    Well enough I guess you can tell I am a little hyped about the potential in these new colors for us laminate guys.


    Andy Graves

    Post a few pics if you can.


    Formica® Radiance Collection™ - 3445 Mineral Ochre

    Here is a picture with VT’s edge. The line is going to be a winner.


    I will try to get some that do it justice, but I only have the little sample chips for now.

    Hey Matt that is a good picture, but still doesn’t do the look justice. I truley mean it I feel these are you gotta see it to get the real feel for the effect.


    Tom M

    That laminiate looks good, Matt. I need to calll my rep and find out why I haven’t seen these yet.

    It is called the Radiance series?

    Tom M

    Also, is it available in a matte finish?

    Or, if it the answer to HD, is there an aluminum oxide component to the melamine?


    Yes the Radiance series.

    Tom M

    I called my distributor. They don’t even have the samples yet. You Midwest corn-fed types got the jump on us Eastern snobby nosed elitists (oh, I’m sorry, I think that has been labeled a racial code word nowadays).


    Thats twice I have upped you guys on sample colors I beleive. I suppose that means us cornfed people are slow and steady so when the housing bust hit and they saw the corn prices they just figured we would have some money to spend so best serve us first orof course we just got lucky.

    Anyhows these new colors are also available in matte finish and some of the colors they put in the honed finish also. Oh and they added a new travertine color in etchings, honed and matte.

    It is at least printed with the white paper on it, but with just playing with the little sample and a file it appeared to work easier I know it won’t be to long before we sell some jobs with it.

    David Gerard

    I’m lucky if I get my Surface Fabricator mag in the begining of the following month, gee wiz Wally!



    All samples have been sent to our distributors and should have been received about 2 weeks ago.

    There is not a aluminum oxide component to the melamine.

    Tom M

    Thanks for the info Matt.

    Jon Olson

    Speaking of Formica. They have a huge show planned for next week in Cincinnati Ohio. Highlighting Cutting Edge Solid Surface and Laminate design. Check out this web-site. When you get to the site click on the tab meet the Architects. you will be able to see what they have designed. This site shows where the event is taking place

    Tom M

    Reuben sent me out some of the new colors. They really are quite nice. We should be able to sell these. My only issues with these (and it is by no means just Formica) are that the etchings finish, like the WilsonArt 52 finish and the 7 finish, just don’t hold up to daily use as well as the tried and true matte finish. The colors come through much better, I’ll admit, in the newer finishes, but they will age quicker.

    Matt – are all these available in postforming?


    Sorry to answer for Matt again and if I am wrong he can slap me across the keyboard.

    Yes they are available in post form grade. I was informed from my distributor that they will be stacking them in that grade only cause of size availability and rep felt probably the start of their entire inventory going that way over time. Guess i better get used to working with it for even my flat work.

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