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  • #6139
    Andy Graves

    Check out this material sold exclusively at Lowes[13%20New%20Formica%C2%AE%20Soli]

    Looks like that stuff Lenny posted a few months back.

    Lenny E

    Darn you Andy,  when I click on your link it takes me to some blast fax bullshit. Has Fabnet sunk into the cesspool of Obama ACA  negligent, lying, bullshit advertising?  I hope it was some mistake like all the independence (foodstamp) cards getting cut off. BTW I am still ROFLMAO about that.

    Those who depend on the ‘gummit” Bwah, hah, hah, hah, hah, you are a step away from starvation or a FEMA camp. Take some responsibility for your life, or just die and stop sucking up all my oxygen!

    The only reason I posted the earlier design pix was they changed their minds, but after I posted  them they decided to institute  them back again in fine recalcitrant corporate fashion after I posted that. “We have someone else who can make that”, they said. Then they came back and said …they can’t do, it was a dismal failure, only you can do!
    Oh F me harder!
    I have the 2014 colors too but I ain’t saying a word or giving up 1 pix. Loose lips sink ships!  I learned my lesson the hard way!

    Wait for it guys until  when F Mica releases it! 

    That’s all I have to say about that!

    Jon Olson

    Lenny, I took all of your remarks spelled the words backwards and found all the new colors names for 2014′ your slipping in your old age.

    Lenny E

    Ah, the White album, Jon.If you spell and sing it backwards it says ‘TWITTER SUCKS AND IS THE ASSHOLE OF THE DEVIL” That’s so Passe and 60’s 70’s. Get with the times Mr twitter and FB!

    BTW I just got back from shopping. I stopped off at the spa, which is right outside the grocery store. 

     I am the only US guy (foreigner) allowed in there. They would not let me (foreigners) in for a spell, afraid they would complain and make life hard for them.
     So far I am the only one (foreigner) they allow in. They like my cowboy hat, boots and spurs and my good nature.I always get a manicure , pedicure. Have 1 beautiful, young, nubile lady for each leg and arm. They even have beer for me and light my cigs.

    I fell asleep after asking them to paint a US flag on each of my thumb nails and a Rebel flag on each big toenail.

    I got the US flag on 1 thumb. Someone screwed up ( I know which pretty one it was) and I have a Brit flag on the other thumbnail. As much as as I hate that, it was very well done! So much for sleeping. But they got the big toes right! (pix to follow later).

    Now that is living!

    You really need to come over here and hang with me for a spell!

    Andy Graves
    Lenny E


    I was just messing with you and Jon in fine Texas fashion.

    You do know you and Jon are 2 of my favorite people, right?

    Yes I kid you 2 . That’s just my way of saying I like ya both.

    Thanks for putting in the correct Link. You da Man! 

    That was one of my better projects to date. I designed everyone of those patterns. Formica is a  hard taskmaster but I rose to the occasion. Now they have designers, but they are conceptual designers. They look at the automotive industry, the fashion industry, etc.  to see color and design trends. Cushy job if you can get it! 
    But then they need  a material designer , someone who knows the chemistry, physics, and process. Someone who ain’t afraid to get  dirty, or OMG actually go out into the factory in 100 F heat and is not afraid to get some dirt under his fingernails and ruin the manicure. Some one who controls all the dimensions.That was where I came in.  
    That project  pales in comparison to the recycle resin project!
    That one will truly change the world. And they are too fucking clueless to appreciate the scope of it.
    I just thought it up and did it, as I am prone to do!

    Andy Graves

    Oh, I didn’t take it wrong. We cool bro. All in good fun.

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