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  • #2908
    Randy Evans

    Thought of you guys when I read this in my newspaper this morning.  It’s from a Cal Thomas column, and the speaker is Jeb Bush:

    “I think the Republican Party needs to stand for reform,” he says,
    “within the context of our ideology, which is limited government.” Bush
    thinks too many institutions are stuck in “the ’50s, ’60s, or maybe
    ’70s. They’re not relevant in 2008.” He mentions job training. “We have
    billions of dollars of job training programs, but world and corporate
    structures have been radically altered. … If you walked into a job
    training center now, it may not have Formica, or a ’70s look, but it
    would have a ’70s feel in terms of the services being provided … same
    thing with education and health care, entitlement programs, common
    sense environmental policy. There should be a zeal for reform. And I’d
    look outside Washington for those models, typically led by governors.”

    Reminds me of his dad’s broccoli comment….remember how the broccoli
    growers got sort of chapped at Bush the First when he said he didn’t
    like broccoli?  Also makes you wonder if he (Jeb) really doesn’t know
    how many American homes, even new ones, have what he’s calling

    Tom M

    Truth be told, I think the wrong Bush got elected in 2000. Jeb woould have been the better candidate.

    I understand the point he’s making, although what he fails to realize is the advances in laminate fabrication and design. That sort of belies his point.

    Andy Graves

    Laminate is the number one countertop material.  Interesting to see that he uses Formica instead of laminate. Goes to show how well known the Formica brand is.

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