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    Shift on executive power lets Obama bypass rivals

    President takes routes around congressional Republicans blocking his agenda

    But increasingly in recent months, the administration has been seeking ways to act without Congress. Branding its unilateral efforts “We Can’t Wait,” a slogan that aides said Mr. Obama coined at that strategy meeting, the White House has rolled out dozens of new policies — on creating jobs for veterans, preventing drug shortages, raising fuel economy standards, curbing domestic violence and more

    Full Story:…ss-rivals/

    From the museum in Dachua Concentration Camp

    Andy Graves

    Yes that is exactly where we are headed. I don’t like it when either side does it. The system works, we just need congress and the president to work to compromise and find solutions.


    Is why we need to get back to the constitution. Limited Federal government and Strong state government. Our founders are spinning…

    Tom M

    The problem is about half the country wants to cheer this guy on, not realizing that it can cut both ways.

    Government is slow for a reason. It should be hard to pass laws.

    Lenny E

    Posted By Tom M on 25 Apr 2012 07:28 AM

    The problem is about half the country wants to cheer this guy on, not realizing that it can cut both ways.

    Government is slow for a reason. It should be hard to pass laws.

    In November, when they send the “ROTUS”..Resident of the United States, back to Acorn in Chicago (or Kenya)..the same people cheering him on will be crying like spoiled little babies when the Republicans use the same “duck around Congress” precedent he has set.

    I agree, its not good. It should be darned hard to pass a law.

    Tom M

    Every time I am in discussion about how the press’ bias doesn’t really matter anymore, I think about what this administration has gotten away with and I sigh. If you do stuff that gets either a cursory mention (see fast and furious) or no mention at all (any number of power grabs, like the NRLB), you can get away with anything.

    It’s not just national either. There’s nary a mention in our local paper about how Connecticut simply allowed unions to make care givers unionized. The unions go around to a caregiver’s residence and ask them about unionization. If they answer in the affirmative, they get a ballot, if not, they likely won’t get a ballot. By the way, not voting counts as a yes vote to unionize.

    We are talking about parents taking care of their kids or kids taking care of their parents. If the get any assistance, a part of that assistance will be withheld for union dues.

    I am serious about this.

    Len Smith

    I read an article a couple of years ago by a former KGB analyst who predicted that America will split into three or four regions. I laughed when I read it, thinking it was utter foolishness. Now I wish that Texas, AZ, NM, NV, CO and CA (well, southern CA anyway) would go ahead and form one of those regions, seceding from the USA. Let the northeast and Washington DC have at it and legislate themselves into oblivion.

    Portland can be the new capital of the northwest, along with WA, NorCal.

    Come to think of it, I’d kind of like to have Wyoming and Montana in our region.

    All kidding aside, we are headed for some real trouble in America if the current administration keeps up the racial and class warfare rhetoric. Add more financial disaster to the hate they are stirring up, and this is a recipe for disaster. Neither side is sincerely looking to do what is in America’s best interests.

    Today it’s being reported that the EPA has a memorandum going around that they are going to “crucify” the oil companies, and the congress is working on an end run around the Supreme Court in case they rule in favor of Arizona in the USA vs. AZ case.
    Is there anyone there who is still representing the citizens of the US?
    Tom M

    Is southern Cali still sane?

    In a stunning case of “We know better than you” the Labor Dept. will likely issue guidelines that severely limit what minors can do on a farm. Because 200 years of history means nothing to these folks. My first job was on a farm. Almost everyone I grew up with had their first jobs as farm hands one way or the other. These rules include family members.

    Lenny E

    Posted By Tom M on 26 Apr 2012 07:39 AM

    Every time I am in discussion about how the press’ bias doesn’t really matter anymore, I think about what this administration has gotten away with and I sigh. If you do stuff that gets either a cursory mention (see fast and furious) or no mention at all (any number of power grabs, like the NRLB), you can get away with anything.

    It’s not just national either. There’s nary a mention in our local paper about how Connecticut simply allowed unions to make care givers unionized. The unions go around to a caregiver’s residence and ask them about unionization. If they answer in the affirmative, they get a ballot, if not, they likely won’t get a ballot. By the way, not voting counts as a yes vote to unionize.

    We are talking about parents taking care of their kids or kids taking care of their parents. If the get any assistance, a part of that assistance will be withheld for union dues.

    I am serious about this.


    Its good to read your comments. This post will most likely get deleted by Andy…but don’t worry, I will not go to other sites like the last  booted guy who went into customers homes and purloined female panties and posted about it (that was real frickin genius at work there).
    The press is in Obama’s pocket..and that pocket has a hole in it and they are sucking his jam.
    He is catering to Unions, Illegal aliens, and race baiting. Anything to divide the American people and conquer. Heck I’m overseas and I can see this.
    The 2 party system is dead..all those A holes are paid off. GE, Unions, La Raza, you name it, they throw money at both sides of the fence to make sure everyone is paid off.
    The “Gummint” is printing money like its going out of style and borrowing from China to balance the books. When Bretton Woods (US money as world currency) collapses (and it will)….in 10 years..we are sitting ducks, dead in the water.
    My advice is to invest in precious metals….Steel guns, and lots of lead. I bought 21 guns in a brief period earlier this year when back to US, and 10 K rounds of Ammo. I added that to the arsenal.  I’m going back home soon to double down on that frickin bet. 
    If this Whitey hating, Muslim, Dog eating A hole, gets in again, all bets are off. Its the Constitution destroyed, Guns confiscated, Dissenters off to fema camps, Obama bowing before our enemies, kissing their rings and manhood, UN helmets marching down the streets, people mortgaging the  home to buy gas and/or food, cats copulating with dogs….the end of days.
    But they will have to pry them guns out of my cold dead hands before I let that fricking crap happen. I am like Acorn, Chicago, dead voters. I vote early and often. 🙂
    F that arrogant, elitist, commie bee-ach and the horse he rode in on..and his little toady, lickspittle “Holder” too. They should both be tried for treason by jury of their peers (like we could find 12 people who are as big of a lying A hole as those 2 are) and hang them at dawn with a Texas Judge (Roy Bean) speech….
    “Barack, and your’e sidekick Holder, you 2 slippery, sidewinders!.Its going to be a beautiful day in Texas tomorrow morning. The sun will rise and gently warm the night coolness, the dew will glisten on the wild flowers and cactus, the birds will sing a melodious and glorious song. But you 2 A-holes won’t see that, because your’e both hanging at dawn!”
    Oh BTW, If I had a uncle still alive he would have looked like Zimmerman. 🙂
    Stepping off soapbox now. 🙂

    Lenny… what are you really trying to tell us ? It appears you may be a tad upset with someone..not sure whom?

    Lenny for Pres 2012 !

    Tom M

    I’m sorry Lenny-san. I can’t let that post stand as is. You are wrong on one very important detail and I aim to correct it. I think what you wrote was terrible.

    You spelled “bee-atch” wrong.

    Lenny E

    Posted By Wags on 28 Apr 2012 01:27 AM

    Lenny… what are you really trying to tell us ? It appears you may be a tad upset with someone..not sure whom?

    Lenny for Pres 2012 !

    Thanks for the sentiment Wags. I don’t think I would make a good President because my first act would be troops withdrawn from Afgahistan, and Irag…then both, including Paki….turned to green sand! With a call to Russia and China to say..’Back off.. or youre next! I would not call the EU and NATO, because in the current socialist economy over there, they can’t afford nukes!”

    Thanks for the spelling correction. I am amazed I missed that..I took the evelyn Woodhead..sped redding corse..My comprhensin has improv-ED 🙂
    heh heh. 🙂 My name is Arti-Choke, and I’m just a Joke!
    Now that was frickin funny..I don’t care who you are. Tom..I’m sure caught both of those jokes with a firesign theatre backer.  I’m sliding back into oblivion for a bit, but like a bad penny…I shall show up again!
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