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  • #5423

    I’m no good at math, either.


    Lenny E

    I’m fair at math Joe. Great post BTW.

    The square window thingee applies to radii on SS jobs..same principle.

    I remember when that walkway collapsed. There was a slotted metal piece on the nut that failed that deformed completely from the stress of that poor design (sorry ..some it’s from my old CSI days..not ‘Crime Scene Investigation”..but” Contruction Specification Institute!) “

    Aircraft carriers…I have a theory about that from FMS (foreign Military Sales) work. Gun toting grunts are cheap. However Airplanes are not. If 1000 troops were killed you would not have heard 1 word from our lying corrupt gummit.

    But when a HIGH DOLLAR PLANE screws the pooch, it gets their attention quickly.

    What do you think?



    Apparently runways on aircraft carriers are becoming obsolete.


    Lenny E

    Joe, tha kinda t looks like the same principle as a harrier to me, which have been around for decades. I just loved watching those harriers on TV back in the day during the Falkland islands situation.

    If memory serves correctly the conversation went something like this:

    Lenny….”Bong-breath..yeah you! Please put down the bong, come over here watch this on TV, its outrageous”

    Ex-wife..” I didn’t know planes could do that!”

    Lenny..”See what you can learn when you put down the bong!”

    Lenny E

    Joe, tha kinda t looks like the same principle as a harrier to me, which have been around for decades. I just loved watching those harriers on TV back in the day during the Falkland islands situation.

    If memory serves correctly the conversation went something like this:

    Lenny….”Bong-breath..yeah you! Please put down the bong, come over here watch this on TV, its outrageous”

    Ex-wife..” I didn’t know planes could do that!”

    Lenny..”See what you can learn when you put down the bong!”



    When you mentioned the Falklands, you reminded me I saw The Iron Lady starring Meryl Streep who plays Margret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britan when Argentina invaded.

    I’d pay eight bucks to watch Streep read the phone book, but she is Thatcher reincarnated in this movie.

    Thatcher didn’t give a s*&t what the people thought, she knew the medicine they needed to take and administered same. That’s leadership and we sure could use some now.


    Tom M

    You recommend the movie, then? Excellent.


    Posted By Tom M on 18 Jan 2012 07:46 AM
    You recommend the movie, then? Excellent.


    Highly. Unless you’re a car-chase and clevage kinda guy.


    Tom M

    Exocet missles car-chasing down through the cleavage of an Argentinian Mirage fighter jet? I can do that.

    I mean, I don’t want to say I DON’T like cleavage, but it’s not a must have, you see.

    Lenny E


    When that exocet meets that jet, it lives up to its name!

    Lenny: ‘Bubba, where did that darn Argentine fighter jet get off to, it ain’t on my radar anymore!”

    Bubba: “I dunno, it was here a few seconds ago when I fired that frickin missle.”

    Lenny:”I guess it must have been an optical illusion…. one of them there Mirages! heh heh!

    Tom M

    Thread winnah!

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