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  • #885
    Tom M

    I’ve finally gotten around to posting this.

    I forgot who I told this to, but I said I would post pics of the cove jig we made to speed up a reliable cove process.

    This is a long shot of the double unit. When not in use, a cover goes over it and it is a narrow but long workbench.

    Here is a close up of the end, where we can glue up a vertical cove return.

    The clamps are actually side clamps for C-Clamps made by the Hartford Clamp Co., in East Hartford, Ct. Good, but pricey.

    These are actually worth buying the wood handles for repair, as that is about the only thing that goes bad (dropped, etc.).

    The backing is made of gloss laminate and works great as a release material if the glue gets crazy.

    Here is a vanity with a swail routed in showing the clamping up with a vertical cove. The scribe will be added later.

    These are the C clampos from Htfd Clamp I mentioned earlier, along with a few standards.

    Any comments, ideas, etc. yada yada…


    Andy Graves

    Do you Miter your inside corners or cove?

    We do the same thing with the blocks to keep the splash square but we cut a whole bunch with the cnc out of solid surface. It is much easier to clean the glue off with denatured alcohol. Plus they are real fast to make and if they break you just cut a bunch more.

    Tom M


    We cove all the vertical corners, unless a commercial [edit] customer opted out to save a bit.

    Because we match all splashes and coves to the deck, we generally route the cove on the edge on the sheet, then cut with the Streibig. We route the rabbet in the CNC of course. Probably Streibig the scribe strips.

    I really want to try out routing a prescribed piece on the cnc. I think you said you did that, right?

    Shane too, if I recall.

    How do you index it to the splash piece?


    If I don’t get the chance to say it tomorrow – you and Mory have an awesome show. You guys deserve it.


    You said after the show. That must have been one short trip .

    That looks like it would do the trick, but I do not have time to duplicate that so I went a different route.


    Scott Purdom

    hey tom already copied it and is magic works great in fact we learnt a whole lot from you and jim


    Tom M


    Good to hear from you.

    Just catching up?

    I’m happy to see that you are still getting value from your trip across the pond.


    Scott Purdom

    yes Tom been busy as hell you know how it goes we put in the mather cove clamping device in as soon as we came back its great the next investment was a betterly router

    hows the folks getting on i read somewhere that you gave up the chance to go to your daughters concert in favour of a few wee drinkies in orlando shame on you mr mather!!!!!!!

    speak soon


    Tom M

    Thanks, Scott.

    Yeah, I felt pretty bad about it, but the truth was, she didn’t tell us till long after I had booked the flights, etc. Teenagers, who’d a thunk it?

    I have the DVD of the concert, so, after I have caught up completely, I will give it a good watching. Her Mother and M-I-L were there, so all was not lost. My son missed a day of baseball camp, though, so MOm could attend, and the next day his last class was cancelled because of the bad wether. Bummer.


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