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  • #1121
    Andy Graves

    I have moved the FabNet Community Projects to a member only forum. Many have asked me to do this and I finally got it done. It was done for the simple reason that if you want to participate on the projects and take advantage of the information, you need to be a registered user.


    Tom M

    Tough call, Andy.

    By not having it appear in the all-posts column, the ‘easy way out guys’ like me don’t even think about it. The swamp is the same, but it’s not an important thread space anyway. The comm. projects is important.

    If you hadn’t have posted the move, I wouldn’t have thought about looking there. Here. wherever.


    Andy Graves

    I know. It is a catch 22. Most Forums don’t have the “All Threads Section” so there is no worry. You have to go through all the threads seperately. The only way I have found to make some of the topics “Member Read Only” is to make is so it doesn’t show up in the “All Threads”.

    There are certain topics that should be at least members only. When the new update comes out for the forum, I am hopeful that all the threads for each member will be listed. Until that comes out I will have to post that a thread is moved and inform the participants through email.

    David Smith


    I agree that the bacteria project is best used as a reason for unregistered guests to sign up, yet new readers won’t know about it till they register. How about posting a sticky that describes the benefits of memberships? Maybe from time to time, we can post some bits and peices to get these issfa guys or manufactures reps off the fence?

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