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  • #921

    OK We are going to add a cnc. I realy want an AZYZ and was ready to do it then at the last minute they told me they forgot an $8000 part. Well that puts me a little above my budget. There are a couple of used (2001) AXYZ 7012 machines for sale for a reasonable price. Does anyone have any toughts on this? Kind of scary to spend that kind of money on a used machine. What kind of questions should I be asking?

    Shane Barker

    #1 Question I would ask is why they are selling it. Then I would want to see the maintenance records and see the machine running.


    Joe Corlett


    Maybe you could cut a deal where you agree to buy a used machine at a large discount after the owner has it shipped to AXYZ for a factory-certified rebuild.

    The seller would take a a small beating, AXYZ could make a few dollars and stand behind the machine like it was new and give you their industry-leading service and you’d be money ahead.

    It’s worth a shot,


    Jon Olson

    If your going to buy used. Why not think of a more beefier CNC? If a New AXYZ is around $50,000 Why not take what you had for a budget and look to see what else is available?

    Andy Graves

    If you buy used, I wouldn’t buy an AXYZ. I would go with a beefy machine. Maybe it would be ok, there are just so many unknowns with used equipment.


    We bought a used AXYZ 7012 that was factory-certified and reconditioned and looks and runs great. I would be nervous about buying one without some kind of backing.

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